Lucy Burroughs answered
If your boyfriend didn't think you were good enough for him, he probably wouldn't be with you. What you need to do is stop worrying - if you don't, you'll risk losing him.
Imagine the situation from your boyfriend's perspective. By doubting that you're good enough for him, you're also doubting his judgement and his feelings for you.
This will have a knock-on effect; he'll start wondering why you don't think you're good enough and wondering if it's his fault. If he then starts trying harder with the relationship to prove to you that you are good enough, you'll then think he's much too good for you, and you'll become even more insecure. It's a vicious circle.
What Should I Do?
- You'll probably worry about this less and less the longer you're together. Try not to show that you're afraid he's too good for you.
- Work on improving your self-esteem: It sounds like this is the real problem. You need to start believing that you're good enough - and not just for him.
- It's not for you to decide if you're good enough for him - that's his choice, and if he thinks you are, then believe him!