
How To Control The Feeling Of Being In Love?


14 Answers

wilbert u can call me sue Profile
Your feeling of love or enfatuation at this point are very strong.  You must distract yourself in music - not sad stuff, dance it out of your system.  There's a saying, time heals all wounds.  It takes time, there is no instant cure for matters of the heart.  Go about your life, smile, fake it till you make it. That saying means, smile, even if you are feeling down and brokenhearted.  Smilling will also help release endophins a natural chemical in your brain that helps a person feel better.  So even if you don't feel like smiling, force it, fake it, till you start feeling better, make it.  Remember, this too shall pass.
kiana caines Profile
kiana caines answered
Well... I've fallen in love a few times. If one causes me to be heartbroken, I don't hold in the feeling, I release it, for it can cause me not to love ever again. When you're in love, don't keep it a secret. Keep a journel. Trust  me, it does help. If one you love is leaving for who knows how long, you almost force yourself to wish that the two of you should be together forever. Don't be alarmed, it's perfectly natural. If you don't want to make your love noticeable, it's quite simple. Every time you see your the one you love, just look away and focus on something else. If they talk to you, like say hi, say hi back, then continue to carry on the conversation. Don't look them in the eye but look between their eyes. Speak clearly and try not to stutter, it'll mess up the conversation. When the conversation is over turn around and focus again something else. When walking away, try not to be nervous. If your conversation is good, so should your mood. If it didn't still be proud that you tried to stand up to the one you love. I'm not married, but I have a great experience with this. Trust me.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I think its depend on the own thinking of each. If someone fell in love initially then its hard to control.But remember that all the actions of human are depended on their thinking.
If someone really  wants to control him/ her self, then he/she should think that what he/she really doing. Try to see the variations of human feelings. Its true that you may be dreaming about your lover.But it is not happening each minute of the day. I mean, if you can control your mind then you can control your feelings. If you really want to control , you can do it dude.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
1) Keep it to yourself.  You shouldn't tell a person that you are in love with them until you are fairly certain that they feel some level of love in return. If someone does not feel love for you and you tell them that you have those feelings.... Awkward.  Is the person going to THINK about how you feel and then make a decision to FEEL a certain way?  No. It just doesn't work that way.  
2) Give your partner space which means YOU need to be doing other things.  If you want to control the feeling of being love, the best way to do that is the same with any other emotion... If you are angry you don't just hang around the person that makes you feel that way right?  
3) Enjoy the energy that you get from it. I found myself in Walmart at an indecent hour thinking about what I was going to cook my guy this weekend. I would have been in bed hours ago otherwise. My house is REALLY clean now too.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
If you are really in love ,you really can't control how you feel, but you can put it in to perspective and go very slow with the relationship.... Good luck.
sunil kumar Profile
sunil kumar answered
You it is hard control the feelings but think to keep all happy around me so you can try forget the love feelings but its hard try be all ways be smile
Nina Profile
Nina answered
I can't really tell you how you can control feeling of being in love..On my opinion I think that everyone deserves love and will have a chance..Some people think that they can resist love but by time goes they don't even know that they're falling in love already..You can control by not being around guys most of the time..
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You can control love and you must it is essential to have a good life. YOU CAN NOT HAVE THE HAPPIEST MARRIAGE IF YOU HAD A MILLION BOYFRIENDS. YOUR MARRIAGE WILL BE A LOT STRONGER IF YOU SEEK GOD'S HELP IN FINDING A MATE AND STICK TO IT. Don't believe anyone else when they say you can't control it. You can. If you can't control it now you can't control it after marriage and it will lead to problems far worse than this one just now
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
For me .. I have far a lot of controlling the feeling of love .. We live far away ... N when its daytime here its nearly midtime there .. N we chat at least for  30 minutes a day .. He just wakes up to chat n then goes bk to sleep .. He insists to stay abit more but I don't agree .. I just make him go .. N then I feel so lonely .. N I don't even do my work .. I sit all alone thinking about him ..
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The first mistake we as human beings make is to equate love with feelings. The two are not the same and do not mix. Feelings are our response to stimuli. Love is an eternal, ethereal principle, that occurs because of the simple exercise of our free will, and not because of any stimuli we may be feeling. In fact love may be exercised regardless of our feeling at the time. This is so simply because true love is about the sacrifice of self, and all the trappings that come along with it (feelings included), for the purpose of a greater good. The only "response" that potentially brings about the act of love or loving is when a healthy human mind logically weighs the so-described loving, self-sacrifice of another on his/her behalf, and subsequently deems that person worthy of receiving the same treatment from him/her. Then and only then do "feelings" come into the picture, for this kind of action does inspire feelings of some sort. Feelings give the experience color which is then determined by the participant's perception. This action only graduates to true love when it is no longer a "response", no longer a reaction. When It is continually acted out, even in the absence of  any stimuli of any kind or even when the stimuli is bad. Even in the face of rejection.
Bailey Profile
Bailey answered
I don't see why you would control it! Let it out! Express yourself. Just don't go to far!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Can't man unless you got a lot iof crooks try to steal the heart of the olne you love than you an't need to kno "how to love"
El Nino Profile
El Nino answered
One of the greatest, (and to unrequited love, most agonizing), emotions we can feel is being in love.  We cannot control it... The mind cannot make the heart start or stop feeling a certain way.  (at least imho).  

If you want to control being in love, then you want to be in love for the wrong reasons, (again, imho).

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