If love is unrequited you could find that the overwhelming feeling of being in love and not having that love returned is virtually unbearable. Many people have found themselves in this situation at some point in there lives. However, this makes finding someone who feels the same way back especially magical.
Does love make you cry?
This is a difficult emotion to understand sometimes. It could just be that you feel so strongly for someone, although normally this should make you feel amazing, like you want to shout it from rooftops, not that you want to cry. For one thing, love should never equal pain! If you're in constant pain about your love of another person, something is wrong.
Here are some questions you may want to ask yourself: Exactly what about the person you love, or the way your relationship is going, makes you cry? Does the person you love, love you as well? Do you love someone who does not love you in return? Are you afraid that you might lose the person you love? Why are you afraid?
You see, love is a very deeply felt emotion; we feel it into our very spirit. So intense are these feelings, that sometimes we find ourselves crying for really no reason - we're just overwhelmed by our feelings. Maybe you have loved someone before and were hurt and are worried of the same thing happening again?
Love isn't supposed to hurt; it's supposed to feel wonderful! If you're crying for the one you love, you must have a long, HONEST conversation with yourself about why you're crying. Why are you hurting because you love someone? Listen to yourself, and you will find the answers to these questions