This is one of the great undefined mysteries of life. The fact that the perception of "love" can be viewed in so many different ways by humans often clouds the true definition of the word.
The feelings experienced in the early stages of a promising intimate relationship include those of excitement, lust and great sexual appetite. You may also feel overwhelmed with thoughts of your lover and be rather flooded with emotions and hormones, of which are chemical reactions that occur as part of the bonding process.
When a relationship has matured, your feelings may alter to a different, more relaxed level. Having established history and a bond, your relationship will have a solid foundation upon which you will feel comforted, secure and contented. The feelings of affection and happiness are very much included in this stage of love, but they feel less frantic than in earlier times of your engagement with your lover.
But how will I know if I'm in Love?
It is often said that you will "just know" when you experience true, everlasting love. A good way to find out if you are onto a good thing is to ask yourself the following questions:
* Can you think of any reason why this person might not be right for you? If your mind is flooded with bad thoughts, perhaps you are not experiencing true love.
* Does this person make you feel happy, fulfilled and respect you? If they don't, you will be missing out on a major part of what constitutes a successful relationship.
* Has this person ever been unfaithful to you? Have you ever been unfaithful to this person? If the answer to either question is yes, you may not be in quite the right relationship. Fidelity is key to the formula of a well formed relationship.
*Can you see yourself marrying this person and being with them for the rest of your life? Certainly those experiencing a wonderful relationship will not hesitate to agree with this question.
I guess to sum up the real answer, the question is...
can you see your life with this person? Do you feel better when you see them no matter how bad your day has been? Do you feel safe in their arms and want to spend every spare minute with them? Can you imagine what you're children might look like and what you're both going to be like when your old and grey together? If yes, then that is what it feels like to be in love.
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