Subordinate - In Love?Attracted To Her?Feeling Too Comfortable?Must She Be Informed?


6 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
To be in love is wonderful.
I have exactly the same problem , but I'm the subordinate....
I know that it is bad, but can't hide or stop it. It is such a strong feeling.
I think that the best thing to do is to get to know each other much much better, that you are really sure that you like each other, that you have the same interests, ideas get along very well. I would keep in this case sex as the very very last step.
It is better to get along very well, talk a lot just as friends. After all a relationship between lovers is always supported by a friendship. After a while I think both of you  will know if it is really worth it or not... This is my little plan.
What do you think ? 
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
Me-at-work - I think that is a sound plan. Take it slow and gradually build it. I do however agree with the others as well. One of you will either move departments or resign if the relationship is to grow. I, myself am a manager with a crush on a subordinate as well and yes the feeling is strong.. And I allow myself a relationship with her only to a basic friendship level. Anything more, if not already, is trouble. Hope you find what you're looking for.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I am totally in love with my boss! I don't know what to do. We both are married and we have kidz too. I try not to go in front of him and keep avoiding meeting him and he does the same too. Am not sure he has the same feelings towards me or he is just avoiding me.But when I look in to his eyes, he shies away and looks at something else. I am not sure what to do. I guess the best option is to avoid him, but I often have to interact with him as he is my reporting manager.
Hello Boss Profile
Hello Boss answered
If you are her boss then you better keep your trap shut. You might just set yourself up for a sexual harassment lawsuit.
Romance in the workplace is NEVER a good idea.
If you cannot supervise someone without getting these ideas, then you had better think about getting another job.
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
Hi me-at-work, I see it has been 10 monhs that you wrote these very wise words. It is indeed much better to take it very slow, if you have a sound friendship relationship but at a certain moment both parties will have mutual feelings and then ? Do you still feel the same as 10 months ago ?
jessica nix Profile
jessica nix answered
You never really know when you have mrs. Right until you take that chance. Just keep the work professional and the romance in the bedroom. Go ahead and tell her but pull her aside and tell her there's something urgent you need to talk to her about.  good luck!!
Lisa michalski Profile
Lisa michalski answered
I agree with Debossman,sometime the work place is not the place to start a romance,especially when you are the boss,or supervisor,there is no way to keep such secrets in the work place secret,some might think thats why shes there,and that could spell trouble with the people she will have to work with.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered is attracted to someone...  inlove...I guess so...  but me I have the same feelings as yours....

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