Firstly it is wise to mention that there are many different types of love. There is love for a parent, a sibling, a partner. There is love for any other family member, for friends and for pets. There is even love for hobbies, jobs and objects.
It could be simply said that there is no disadvantages to love only advantages, but it could also easily be argued that love only brings disadvantages and there are no advantages to it whatsoever. But that all depends on how it has treated you and what it means to you as an individual.
Love for an object, hobby or job has no real disadvantages unless you let that thing run your life and forget about the people that are in your life as they should come first.
Are there any disadvantages of Love?
Love always brings many of the same traits e.g. Trust, companionship and loyalty. These are all very important traits in any relationship and to be able to feel any of them towards another person is a huge advantage as they are all traits that human beings naturally search out due to our basic nature. However, the disadvantages arise not because of love but due to relationships, but because we love someone when they betray us, it affects us greatly making us angry and annoyed as well as sad, although we would probably not feel that way if we did not love that person in the first place.
Also, another disadvantage of love arises from the loss of loved ones through death, which comes naturally to all forms of life be it human, animal or plant. Death is only a disadvantage of love in the fact it makes us sad and can be a tragic event. But in the end, once the mourning is finished, death only helps to prove our love for our lost ones, as we relish in the memories of them that we have and the time that we were able to spend with them.