YOU CAN TXT HIM IN A FLIRTY WAY but not to strong like hey loser you kno in a friendly but flirty way, don't show him you like him just show him your flirty untill he tells you that he like you first
I like this guy... Would it be ok if I texted him hey love? Or would that be coming of strong or weird? Btw I don't know if he likes me back.
What I did with a guy was I would tell him he was my new best friend and then he would text me like hey buddy and stuff. So thenci would be like best friend then he would give me another name. And if it went anywhere then good, but if it didn't at least you tried...
If he said bud, best friend, pal, bff, then you guy are just friends
if he said babe, baby, honey, love, lover, then he likes you
If he said bud, best friend, pal, bff, then you guy are just friends
if he said babe, baby, honey, love, lover, then he likes you