Treat him nice, like make him smile.
Be honest with him and yourself.
Before you jump into telling him you love him, really think about it first.
You don't want to regret it later on in life.
But remember. If you love someone it is not a maybe, I don't know, could be kind of thing. If you love him you will just know and you wont have to question it.
P.s don't listen to that person saying you should have sex with him. Sex is supossed to be something special. Your not supossed to just give it out like candy
Be honest with him and yourself.
Before you jump into telling him you love him, really think about it first.
You don't want to regret it later on in life.
But remember. If you love someone it is not a maybe, I don't know, could be kind of thing. If you love him you will just know and you wont have to question it.
P.s don't listen to that person saying you should have sex with him. Sex is supossed to be something special. Your not supossed to just give it out like candy