The best way to show your love for someone is to make sure that they're high on your list of priorities. It's easy to think that one grand gesture is enough to prove your love - television and movies certainly give that impression - but if you genuinely love someone, the best thing you can do is be there for them.
Proving your love is an ongoing thing: If you're always out with your friends and ignoring their calls, a declaration of love once in a blue moon will be seen as damage control rather than true love.
10 Ways To Show You Love Someone
Proving your love is an ongoing thing: If you're always out with your friends and ignoring their calls, a declaration of love once in a blue moon will be seen as damage control rather than true love.
10 Ways To Show You Love Someone
- Tell them; tell them often, and tell them creatively.
- Listen when they speak. Make eye contact. Show them you're really listening and that you really care what they have to say.
- Notice the details - their favorite candy bar, their favorite movie, what body language accompanies different emotions. Remember these things, and you can make their day.
- Spend as much time with them as you can, but give them their own space, too.
- Surprise them occasionally. Cook their favorite food, buy them a pair of socks with their favorite cartoon character on, slip a love letter into their bag.
- Kiss them, hug them, hold their hand.
- Tell them how much they mean to you. Tell them the little things you love about them - their laugh when they're nervous, the way they cuddle you when you sleep.
- Be there for them. Answer their calls and reply to their texts - let them know that whenever they need you, you're there for them.
- Let them know you're thinking about them - call to say goodnight, text them good morning.
- Keep showing them. Don't just do it once - do it constantly.