
What Is The Exact Full Form Of Love?


8 Answers

Danielle Joynson Profile
There does not seem to be an exact full form of love as many different people interpret the word in different ways. However, the most common form of love I have come across is:
L - Long
O - Original
V - Valuable
E - Emotion

  • Different types of love

I'm sure you're aware that there are different types of love that can be expressed. This can go from loving a person to loving a particular food. This began with the Ancient Greeks, who came up with different terms and meanings for different aspects of love.

  • Storge
This type of love is the love that a person can have for someone after a prolonged period of time. The meaning defines this form of love as based on what is known rather than an ideal version. It is the love people often refer to when it comes to love for their family. This is because it requires a long term commitment, but it has developed over the years as opposed to instant love.

  • Eros
This is probably the most well-known form of love because it is the name of the god of love within Greek mythology. This love refers to the passionate and idyllic form of love that happens instantly. You could link this term to the saying 'love at first sight' because it is an instant feeling, however, it does not have to be a long term commitment.

  • Agape and Phila
This is a form of selfless and unconditional love. The point of agape is not to fulfill any personal gain, but it is to show compassion for others no matter what. With regards to Phila, it is quite similar to agape in the sense that it is love for man-kind, but it is also linked to the feeling of loyalty and binding communities together.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
L for lack of life
o for ocean of tears
v for value of death
e end of life
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
L for life
O for oriented
V for virtual
E for extradinory feelings.
And then I am gowtham I ahve a girl friend I think we made for each other.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Love is a kind its has no envy .love is patient.the depth of love can not be measured .
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Love is only the adventure of life.

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