I would'nt mind if a girl grabs my butt...it tells me that I have something they want ;)
I can only speak for myself but I love it when a girl grabs my butt. It lets me know she finds my butt attractive. Plus, no harm done.
A guy would like it if the girl is very hot, and he is kind of attracted to her, when the girl grabs his ass he will think positive about himself ( that he is hot ), but the feeling itself is weird.
Ok what happens if the guy and the girl had a relationship probem because she was too shy and didint want to do ANYTHING. Can she still grab his butt?? Hard or soft??
Some guys do some guys don't. I cant speak for anyone it all depends on alot of stuff
I'm sure they do.
Some guys do depends on their personality I guess.....some guys tend to be uncomfortable with it.