
Should I Break Up With A Boyfriend Who Doesn't Trust Me And Says I Cheated Even Though I Love Him And We Have No Other Problems?


3 Answers

jessica dronet Profile
jessica dronet answered
I am in a similar situation now. In a relationship I had a long time ago my boyfriend didn't trust me at all and was so overprotective. Come to find out he had cheated on me and that's why he didn't trust me because he knew he had cheated and he was scared I was going to cheat. That might not be the case in your problem but you may want to just keep that in mind about him if he doesn't trust you.
Muhammad Abdullah786 Profile
The base of every relation depends upon trust, and love is a relation which is only based on trust. If he doesn't trust you then, this relation should mean to you no more. If you think that you can spend your whole life by explaining him then it is fine, otherwise I would suggest you finish this relationship. It's better to cry one day rather than to cry your whole life.

Repairing trust in a broken relationship can be very difficult. Many times the reason for that broken trust is immoral; because if the person doesn't believe you how could he commit that he loves you? Before you rebuild it you have to give explanations, how and why he feels like that. There is a huge amount of strain on your relationship once that trust is broken. That guilt will always disturb your whole life, and then can you give me the guarantee that he would really forgive you and in your coming life he will never remind you again?
Annie McManus Profile
Annie McManus answered
Well if you can't make up your mind and you're having mixed feelings, I say it is way too much trouble just for a boy.

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