How Can I Get A Guy Alone To Ask Him Out?


4 Answers

Oscar De La Huerte Profile
Getting some private time with a guy you like is really important if you plan to ask him out.

I'd recommend casually suggesting that you spend some time alone together. The more low-key you make it, the less awkward it will be.

Asking a guy out

To get some time alone with the guy you like, I think you should try and be as cool and confident as possible. Guys like girls who are confident and self-assured, so I'd simply ask him something like 'do you have two minutes to talk about something?'

It may be obvious what it is you want to talk about right away (especially if there's been any flirting going on beforehand), but the worst thing you can do is come across as shy or embarrassed.

How to get a guy alone

Timing is really important when you ask a guy out. You want it to be special, but you also don't want to put the pressure on. Picking your moment is vital.

You may not want to approach him when he's sitting around with a large group of friends, but there will be plenty of opportunities to make your move.

If you go to the same school as each other, for example, you could try and pull him aside as he's walking to class and quickly ask if he can meet you somewhere.

If you really can't face asking him face to face, maybe a text message or a discreet note might also be options.
Will Martin Profile
Will Martin answered
The best way is to wait until there is something definite going on, that you can ask him to go to with you in a friendly way, so at first it doesn't feel like you're asking him on a real date.

For instance, if someone is having a party you could suggest that you go along together - especially easy if you live near each other. Or if there is something you would both be interested in - a band or a film you'd both like to see - you can casually ask him if he'd like to go with you.

In this case, getting him alone shouldn't be a problem, because you aren't saying anything that takes too long, or that would be really embarrassing if someone heard you! You can just bring it up quietly, if you are sitting next to each other, walking along together etc. (If I were you I would not get your girlfriends to help "leave you together" - he may find that very embarrassing!)
Kitty Grant Profile
Kitty Grant answered
Just pull him to the side, you don't need to be alone. If you wait for the perfect moment, it'll be too late. If you have to wait to be alone, he'll think you are under-confident in yourself. Good luck!
Annie McManus Profile
Annie McManus answered
You might not want to get a boy alone to ask him out yourself because he gets to feel very awkward. My advise is to have your closet friends at lunch take him into a corner and ask him, then he'll answer your friends or come over and speak to you.
thanked the writer.
Sara bofits
Sara bofits commented
Ok that is not right because i've tried it and it just scared the guy off so no you shouldn't do that it could end badlly you should just askin him out yourself
Anonymous commented
Then he'll just think your imaature for not haveing the"balls" to talk to him.

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