I Really Like A Guy Who Hates Me. I'm A Little Embarrassed To Confess To Anyone, So I Always Pretend To Hate Him Too. I Really Like Him.any Idea?


98 Answers

Karen Henchen Profile
Karen Henchen answered
Why does he hate you? Maybe he just acts like he hates you. Some guys are very shy, and when they like a girl, they act like idiots, and are mean to them because they are embarrassed too. If you can get up the nerves to do it, I would go up to the guy, when he is alone, and ask him why he hates you. He may tell you he doesn't hate you, he is just joking around. If he says that, tell him "Good, because I don't hate you either." and then go from there. Then you have a start to a possible friendship. If he tells you why he hates you, instead, then at least you will know, and you can get over him. Just be yourself around him, and be a little nicer next time you see him. It takes time to get to know a person, and become friends, but you want to start there. Good luck, hope this helps!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Well I like this guy and I'm very young but I think I love him but he said no when my friends asked him out for me then I made some more friend and they found out that I liked him and they went up to him and asked him if he liked me he said I don't want to talk about this and now it is like I'm invisible to him and he told my friend that I look at him with puppy dog eyes and he asked if I still liked him and my friend was like I don't know but she knew the answer was yes but what I don't understand every time I see him he is looking at me but he avoids me all the time if he is in one line and I get in the same line he gets out of that line and gets in the other and if he does not like me why does he care if I like him it makes me think that he likes me but from what I know he doesn't he has talked to me twice since he found out I liked him I just want to get over him but I can't
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Well...just, don't worry about his friends they were probably being jerks, he probably loves you and is scared to tell you, stay positive, life isn't over yet, don't let people like them get you down, move on and live life to the max
Penny Kay Profile
Penny Kay answered
You may have built him up in your mind to be 'all that', because you were hopeful. It sounds like this guy was the butt of a joke by his buddies and he may have tried to spare you the embarrassment of being one also. He is a Focus in your life, and so you spend time daydreaming about 'what might have been'. I would get busy with friends and forget about this guy. He may change his mind about you, but doesn't sound like the kind of guy who likes to be pushed into a relationship. Don't set yourself up for further rejection, and continue on with your life as normal.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I can totally see your side.. And actually I'm in the same situation right now! But my friends have helped me deal with this so here's what they've told me to do so far. You should open up to the guy and figure out if he actually does hate you. If that doesnt work then actually go up to him and ask him why he hates you. If it goes the right way and he tells you he doesnt actually hate you.. Then tell him your side too. If he tells you why then just tell him that you understand and suggest him to look at you in a different way or something like that. Also .. You can try hanging out with him and stopping to pretend that you hate him too. You can just ignore the fact that he hates you and be yourself around him. Maybe he'll like the non-hating you. Who knows. But don't ever just let things happen. Be the one to make the move because later on.. You'll regret it .. Just like I did. Now the guy that I like actually still hates me... And what hurts even more.. Is that I am still in love with him. So do what you think is right.. Things will come around in the end. Hope this helped!
Alva Lipscomb Profile
Alva Lipscomb answered
Don't set yourself up for heartbreak and humiliation.  If you know he really hates you, back off and keep a civil distance.  He may notice you differently it you stop focusing  on liking him so much.  You might be missing someone who cares for you.  It might not be worth the trouble of making someone try to not hate you. 
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I can sympathize with you. Something similar happend to me. I like a guy and I didn't tell anyone about him. It went like that for a year and then next year, I told a friend and the guy I liked ended up finding out that I like him. He hates me now. He won't talk to me, not that we talked much before. I'm really shy so I always froze up when he was around. I can't really tell if he's avoiding me, but it feels like it. He was the first guy I have ever liked and I want him to like me back or at least be his friend. I don't know what to do. I still don't. I act like I don't like him, but I like him so much. Please help!!!!!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I understand that this is one of the worst feeling that anyone can ever encounter. But you know that he doesn't loves you, he was just flirting. Some guys try to be too sweet, helpful, cooperative to just have fun with someone or to take advantage of someone. And, that guy seemed to have done exactly the same. Ask yourself:
Why did you loved him?
What were those qualities that made you fall in love with him?
And, now see the other side of picture too that he was only pretending to be showing those qualities to have fun with you or to take advantage of you. Realise that all those feelings you developed were for those qualities he never had, he was faking of showing them to you.
Life is full of chances and remember that there is someone who is made for you and waiting for you, you just need to move. He might have hidden off all those bad qualities successfully but you are lucky to see that he was a devilish flirt.
Remember that such incidents make you emotionally more strong and develops your personality. You just need to escape them.
My best wishes and prayers for you.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
First of all if he knows that you love him , you must ignore him ! Don't begin the convo's on msn wait until he does and you must be patient ! Then he will realize that you don't like him anymore so he would be like " why does she hate me now " then he will try to impress you and suddenly the next day " will you be my gf words " coming near you from that boy!
Jana (rhymes with banana) Profile
Guest, stop being a sexist creep.  The boy does not like you, maybe, do you know hate and love are almost the same energy just opposite sides of a spectrum.  Chances are if he is spending a lot of time giving you negative attention, he probably likes you and doesn't know how to express it as boys do.  I had a boy wait for me everyday to say bad things to me, not real mean, but I realized he said, and had taken the time to say them only to me, and he took time to think up something creative everyday.  That boy was my boyfriend years later.  You never know.
Daniel Levington Profile
I feel your pain Alexandria its the worst feeling in the world when you like someone and they don't feel the same, try to be strong and one day you will meet that special person, good luck
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The reason why you are probably embarrassed to show your true affection is because of the opinion of other people. If you like him very much, to a point where you think about him constantly, then it is worth taking the risk of embarrassing yourself. You will drive yourself crazy if you continue to conceal your true feelings. Also, you will most likely regret in the future continuing on with this charade you've been playing.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I don't know. I mean if the guy acts mean it could just be that he's immature. Think about kindergarten, when the boys pulled on the girls hair it was because they liked them. I can remember a lot of boys that were horrible to the girls they liked just because they were afraid or because they couldn't deal with the emotion of it all. I'd stay away from him for awhile and then take it very slow. There has to be some reason that he gives you for why he hates you. Or if he hasn't said that he hates you, maybe you're reading it wrong. Does he tell people that he hates you? Just take it slow and lay back a bit. If he likes you he'll come around and if he doesn't then you know for sure how he feels.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Well then obviously if he hates you he doesnt now what hes missing out on.or it could be one of things were he is mean to you but he likes you cause he wants to hide his secret love.so if I were you I would 1.if he really does hate you you A.forget him because he doesnt now what hes missing out on B.try finding out what he hates about you and improve them.that all I could say I hope I was a help!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I'm in the same spot. My friends only know that I like him when I act like I don't like him. I remeber 3 years ago we were friends and now we hate each other ( well I like him.) but he hates me. Also last year he was flirting with me.So the best I can say is be true to him and try to be friends with him and if he doesn't want to be friends then just go on with your life. You will find that "special someone!"
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I mean if he doesn't like you, it's his choice. If he's just joking and has a secret crush, that's fine, but it's best to go straight up to him and tell him your TRUE feelings. A lttle embarresment wont hurt... I mean I like this guy but I pretend to hate him, and he does the same to me, but we both know that we like each other. It's just in the matter of time when you can get along with the person first and then start like...dating...
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Start making him jealous, start flirting with some of his cute friends. Wear cute clothes and pretend not to notice him. And try to be nice  to him instead of acting mean and immature.
kritty Profile
kritty answered
OK.. SO I KNOW THIS WILL BE PRETTY LONG BUT IT'S MY STORY,MY STORY HAS SOMETHING TO DO WITH THIS TOPIC,READ IT BECAUSE IT MIGHT GIVE you SOME IDEAS!!first I used to like this guy named jaedon,then my friend went and told him that I liked him,at first I started thinking that he is getting alittle more close to me,and starts glancing at me from when he knew I liked him,but he still dosent talks to me,later on my friend sended him a note saying that she liked him a lot and at the end I wrote something like "hey,I'm sorry if it botherd you because you don't even know me,I was just wondering if you would reply back?" and the next thing I know was he got mad and crumpled the paper and threw it at my friend's face,he even said that we were creeping him out because the note said that he is cute and hot and all that,but I wasent the one who wrote that,and he wouldnt understand that. I try talking to him,but he ignores me and last time I went and told sorry to him and asked him if he was mad at me and also asked if we could be friends,he just nodded. But yesterday my own Guy friend,comes up and tells me that " jaedon wants a picture of you" and I thought he did,so I gave him one of my picture and the next thing I know is that jaedon tears the picture apart and throws it to his friend's face,but the truth actually was that my friend was lieing to me,Jaedon never wanted my Picutre,it was all a lie, a big fat Rumor,tomorrow I'm willing to go and tell him the whole intire story that I wasent the one who meant to creep him out or I didnt just meant to give him my picture.I hope it works,if you have kinda the same problem where he hates you.. Then ask me,ive got a lot of experince
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Yeah. I went to my friends pool party and I realized I liked this guy from school that I never really talked to before. I started to talk to him more at school. I am in year 8 and I have liked him for about 5 months now, and I know its not 3 years but still. My best friend went out with the guy she really likes but he broke up with her because he hates me and my other best friend. My 2 best friends asked the guy that I liked out for me but he said he really likes me only as a friend. I started wondering that maybe he said no because one of his best mates hates me but then my 2 best friends accidently told me that he said no because he already has a girl friend and its complicated. I still really like him and I'm just going to keep things really cool until he might break up with her possibly even though I really no clue at all who it is. My other friend also had that happened to her but she just started talking to him more and they went out. So I hope that helped xoxo
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Ahh, same position here. D8 Well I don't know... At first he was like nice to me, and asked me to do stuff, and would talk on msn and the phone for hours. Ahaha. BUT, somehow or another on his birthday a rumor went out that I liked him... It's okay I suppose, he isn't mean... Just ignores me. I obviously liked his teasing from before this all happened. He would use to pat my head, steal my things and not give it back, and he's taller so I ended up trying to jump and get it, still failed.

I would say, just be yourself around him. How do you know he hates you? Are you sure? Ask him... At first I asked him, and he said no I'm joking and no I don't think you're a Bi**h and stuff, but recently a friend of mines I trust said he called me a bi**h and stuff... Although he calls all the girls that I still felt hurt. Nonetheless, I'm trying to figure out why and improve. Anything can happen. Just make sure to give him space, and some ignoring and some jealousy. XD And some flirting, with a equal balance of each, you'll soon have him thinking about you day and night. And who knows? Maybe something will happen. Same goes for all of you.
Becca McGee Profile
Becca McGee answered
It is perfectly normal to be attracted to someone who can't stands you, but be careful to not get hurt. Don't throw yourself at him and seem to clingy just enjoy being around him. Pull away sometimes and pretend like your not that interested in him. Trust me it works everytime. Sometimes you can even get an ex to like you again if you try this.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I am in the same spot!! I thought no one else felt like this. And, yes, hate is a strong emotion, and can easily be turned into love. Because I hated this guy a month ago. And my best friend is friends with him!! So I am trying hard to be nice to him. But it is hard to keep her as a friend, when he left her 19 messages yesterday. Any advice on that? PLEASE!?
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
I swear ure talking about my story,and I thought noone else was in the same situation.My bestie is friends with him too,but I guess my situation is sorta worse cuz he knows I like him but hes a total ******* to me anyway.He even pulled this stunt on april fools saying he was sorry for the mean things hes done,but turned out to be a joke.I know hes a total jerk,but I still like him,which really sucks.If you do confess to him, please take care of ur heart because theres no garauntee it wont break
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I have the same problem as you. I really like this guy, but my guy friend recently told me that the guy I like hates me and bitches about me to the guys, all the time !
The thing thats confusing me is the fact that I talk to the guy I like all the time, and it doesnt sound like he hates me.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I have the same problem, I really like this amazingly hot guy in my math class but he somehow became to hate me over the people I used to hang out with, what I did was forget him and try to actually fall for someone available. But if the feelings r still there, tell him how you feel but when you do this he might get into shock and say that he really hates you but it will also give him time to think about you and what you said and after a while he might really want to take a chance at going out with you. If he still doesn't likes you, forget him once and for all because maybe you were not supposed to be together and anyway he is going to miss out on the wonderful person you really are.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Start talking to this guy well enough that you might even become good friends with him. Start by saying stuff like "haha why do we always fight?" or noticing something interesting you two have in common. Say something like "Oh wow you like that too thats awesome." you guys might become friends and get closer than before. Take it from there and something could happen if you two get close enough. Be sure to take it slowly and don't get too clingy. Most guys I know hate annoying girls. Just take it easy and start by getting to know this guy and just be nice. :)
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Oh my god!!! Exact situation and really really really need help... So I really like this guy and he hates me and calls me mean names and makes fun of me... But it gets worse. His super wowed like best friend is in love with me and I really don't like him. HELP ME!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Okay, girls, same thing with me, but I hated him and he hated me. We both know we have some sort of a connection, cause were always staring at each other. He used to flirt in completely weird ways. Like jump over me while tying my shoes, yelled at me when I did something wrong but tried helping me. Then he'd get teased by his friends that he liked me...then he was a jerk. Then sometimes when I caught him alone he was really nice, that was last year, and now he avoids me. But we always end up meeting no matter what either of us do...I think it is fate, but he always stares at me when we do see each other, and well I don't know what to do:( Help?
ashleigh brown Profile
ashleigh brown answered
I'm kinda in the same situation except the guy I was trying to talk to hates me because my so called guy friend called him a bastard from my phone and now my other friend is trying to work things out between us but he claims he doesn't know me but now he hates my guts and I don't know what to do
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Just move on if he acts like he hates you hes full of himself just be nice to him and try to make yourself stand out if he was just pretending to hate you he will compliment you or be nicer if nothing changes he dosnt like you and you have to move on.
Danielle Hansen Profile
Danielle Hansen answered
Try to be nice and tell him you want to be friends. Then after tht start talking to him more and flirting....just don't give up cause I liked this guy for three yrs and he hated me(thts what It seemed like) and I told him I was sick of him hating me.so we started talking as friends and eventually started dating...we dated for a long time but we recently broke up because his cousin told him a lie bout me...hope I helped:)
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Just leave it be. Try to find another guy. He will see tht yur over him and he might want yu,but I'm not sure I just noe its a proven fact(boys want what they can't have)thats why the usually go for the girls who are very pretty because they like a challenge... Boys love tht so make yur self be tht girl he can't have.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Oh my god he hates me I spread a rumer and know he hates me he was about to ask me out buut then I spread it know he is looking at me like I did something terrible which I did but he used to smile at me. Help what do I do answer me name is smiley
george jones Profile
george jones answered
I am in the same situation. Its horrible. Its like you would do anything for them to like you but they just wont take it from you. We used to speak loads and then he got a girlfriend, but I didnt want to lose him as a friend, so I kept speaking to him, but she was jealous, and he was getting fed up with it, and was taking it out on me. I trusted him loads and loved him loads, but then he just turned horrible and now am scared, because he ment a lot to me, and never even knew, and the things he did know, he calls me a freak about it :/ now I just think what the hell was I thinking. Going for a lad like him. But reading the answer from before, I have realised it was his qualities, but they are all just lies. I hate him so much it hurts :( xx
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Look. All the guys in my class HATE me HATE ME!!!
But guess wut?
My friend was in the exact same story as you! EXACT!'
and she just kept her head up high. And gues wut?
Turns out the guy actually liked her. They're now bf and gf. Unseperable.
ashok kumar Profile
ashok kumar answered
Its, better you can convey your love and your actions boldly, surely he will like you , if you tell this truth ,that is happening from the beginning
Katy Bug Profile
Katy Bug answered
You just need to act like you like him and once he gets to know you anything could happen
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You should just relax because he probably likes you a lot and doesn't want to admit it. He's probably just acting he doesn't like you so you stop liking him then he will like you.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Hey I was in the same spot and now I am going out w/ him. All you need to do is tell him and trust me it will work it did for me
Sonja Profile
Sonja answered
You move on with your life. The right person is waiting for you, and it is not him.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Me too all the guys ive liked so far think I'm a bitch, and some even call me that. Though I just smile and say ok. Its really a stab to my heart.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Ask him if he hates you or how much he hates you and if he answers a lot apologize and say I`m sorry what I`ve done to you I just like to play around and see if he forgives you or not. Hope this helps! :)
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Well I have the same problem ok I told the person l liked him and I was honest and I asked him why he hated me and he said just to be coll now we r going out:) hope it helps
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I know its not easy, but Ignore him. Hes not worth it. You deserve a guy who will treat you well. In the end it his loss because he could have had a nice girl like you.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Well just wait and see what happens if he doesnt talk to you is that he is really finding the way to ignore you thats what happened 2 me 2

hope this helps ;D
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I know what you mean I mean this really great guy who I just met started to become a jerk. He tells me he doesn't like me and calls me annoying and I don't really talk to him. Maybe I should just give up.
Emma Watermelon Profile
Emma Watermelon answered
Well I think maybe just move on if he's mean to you like this guys does to me he does not like you and if he constantly bugs you he has a crush on you anyways thats what I think
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Well try to act like you like him when your all alone and when theres people pretend like theres nothing to see just get a cute outfit and show only that you like him a lot.
Good luck.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
This same thing happened to me but this guy asked me out and I said no and he is really mean and makes me want to cry:( I am too scared to say anything though
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I need help I'm in love with this guy but he hates my guts and he is popular and I'm not and he's a year older than me pleas help!
Lexi Profile
Lexi answered
Well maybe you should try not telling him straight away, be his friend and everything and get to know him and maybe then tell him=) by that time he might have developed some feelings for you=)
raajesh chaubey Profile
raajesh chaubey answered
He will not to be hating it is right and affection that makes him behaves or makes him to hate you the way he hates you actually he loves you
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
That's me too
You can't ignore him so why don't you just start going up to him and start a  plan like  how I did. Then tell your BFFL maybe she can start sitting ext to him so this way... You can get closer.. ;0
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Just ignore him. He might wonder why and start paying more attention to you. Or he might just be pretending......it's reaaly hard to tell!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Don't worry,thinks will get better if you smile at him or just a little chat,if it works for geting friends it should work for getting a boyfriend...
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Hi friends,
I hope you can guide me something here... I love a guy.. Who was working with me in the same company.. I had big time crush in those days.. As I am really shy girl so I was not able to approach him and on top of that at that time it was just a crush.. Now that he left the company..my friend forced me to speak to him.. Which I tried n I caled him with adifferent identity...we had really good conversation for 20 days.. I never discoverd him that he is pretending for anything.. What I use to see and hear about him ..,he was just the same...according to him...I have lots of boyfriend.. N pheraphs he doesnt like me for this reason.. But in actual I never had any bf.. Which I made him clear when I was talking to him with different identity.. He was really very close to me..n yes you can say a bit serious.. Because he is also very shy guy.. He doesnt like talking to girls.. N because of his bad experinece in love... He stopped talking to girls(doesnt like making gf)he is really very handsome.. Many girls has proposed him however his ans is always no in the company also.. Now one fine day.. I told him everything about me...n he was like shocked ...n he got lost wherin he started crying... N told me that he will never speak to me... I told him sorry so many times.. Tried to make him convienced by every possible ways.. However he said he cannot speak to me anymore...I explained him . N told him I'm deeply in love with you.. But he just said sorry.. Now what should I do here.. He is ma first love.. N I want him back.. Iv done everything which ma friend suggested me to call him,, mail him,,he is not ready to meet me.... Do you guys think he will ever come back..?????//what should I do????/please help me.. I will be waiting for your replies....
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
One thing is you shouldn't make him think that you hate him, it will make things much worse. Try to make him think your a kind of girl who will be there. Try to give him suddle hints, Like from an experience that I had with this guy Dylan. He seemed like he hated me so I acted like I hated him but he didn't hate me until I was acting like I hated him (I know that sentence was confusing). Well I started to get to know him by being friends with his friends and they told me all about him before I knew it we started to hang out. We got to learn that we both weren't horrible people that we thought we were. What I'm getting to is that now him and I have been dating for five years now and we are madly in love. Try to make him think of you more in a positive way. I hope I shined some light on your situation. :)
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Oh my god! I have been looking everywhere for answers like this! I am in the same EXACT situation, like I thought me and him were close when we first met but now he HATES me. Like a lot, he calls me names and rlly doesnt treat me like anyone else in class, he picks on me, and sometimes just pretends I don't exist. But I'm also the principals daughter, and he's the cute "bad boy". So thats also in the way. Lol anyway, I think you should ask him why he hates you, if he says he doesnt hate you, well then GREAT!! Problem solved, now you can work on getting closer. And if he tells you, then say "OK, but I just want you to know that I NEVER hated you" then forget about him (even though thats slightly impossible). But if he thinks about what you said he might come to his senses. (so sorry if this didnt rlly help!) I'm kinda stressing too!! So if ne1 wants to help me out too, that'd be a BIG help!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I really like this boy but he hates me and one day my parents broke up so I thought I'll never see him cause I stayed with my mum far away from the boy I like. So when I was with my mum, I died my hair and cut my hair and when that was finish, I didnt look like me so when I went to my new school, nearly every boy liked me so I was the popalar. Then one day my mum said that I'm going to come back to my school where the boy I liked so I'll be living at my grandparent's house so evey weekends, my dad takes me to place. When I went back to school, all my freinds said I look fabalous and I found out some boys started liking me cause I look pretty and I was always kind. Then I saw the boy I liked going to his freinds and one of them ran up to me and said that the boy who I liked, he liked me back and I was surprised.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
*sigh* that is me too...well...I LOVE my enemy......but I'm too shy to confess.....I didn't confess NOW but now we are like enemy/friends....take my advice, march up to him and say....hi, then if he ignores you do the same....gradually, like me he will start to OPEN up...there is MORE but just take it slowly first act like you REALLy hate him then, start competing, THEN hang around him, Then if you are lucky he will start to stare at you and m=maybe he SMILES... Remember this might not help, because different guys, different ways...or YOU start flirting with him...
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I would definitely say you should starting some type of talking and joking around with him.  See if you get break through his coarseness.  It might be a way to see if he actually has feelings for you too.  It's a great way to start up a little spark in someone.  I hope my little bit of love advice helps you out.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You I feel the same way. In my opinion I would just still pretend I hate him, and tease him but make it flirty. Like smile when you say it. Like if hes being mean say "listen, are you always this mean, or are you making a special effort for me". It might work. And by the way, even if he hates you, hate is a passionate and strong emotion and can be easily turned into love.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You can just ask one of your friends to ask if he hates you,if he hates you don't ask him out because if you do and he says no you will be embarrassed to go near him,talk to him and look at him while he is looking at you.if he likes you then ask him out he is obviously say yes if he is not going out with anyone else or like other girls.if you are shy to ask ask him out just send a letter(note) to him.thats mega easy
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Ok I went out with a boy for like a week and then he brook up with me cause of my friends had lied to him saying that I'm cheating on him meanwhile I wasnt n noe he says he loves me but deep inside he hates me and I noe it but I don't know what to do with out him I love him with all of my heart what should I do???
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Ah, same problem for me too. All the girls in my grade that knows him hates him or dislikes him, so I acted like I hated him too. I also acted like I'm a psychotic girl so he would've never thought I like him. That just made him hate me more, and find out that I liked him, so now I act a little more like myself and hang around him and his friends, even if he ignores me. That got me used to being around him a little more naturally. Sorry if this didn't help...just what I'm doing right now...
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
If anyone asks if you like him say, "yeah I guess as a mate" and if they say well he likes you say "thats his problem" that means your being nice but casual. Also if you like him a lot then when you see him just give him a smile!! This will show a friend and nothing more it also may be a piece offering. After a thew months later start say Hi and how are you and become friends and he will soon like you, its just a matter of time :)
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Hi...well my crush hates me but a friend told I liked him.....and....now I think he will start to like me...you need to tell a friend...it makes you feel tons better....so if you have  a friend  have her tell him while he's in a happy mood....his reaction may be to scream or lol...but just wait this technique takes time and now he starts to smile at me...and to make it work when your bff tells you MUST be there at the moment...listen plz....everyone LOVES MY ADVICE..... Hope this HELPS!!!!! :)
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Hi...well my crush hates me but a friend told I liked him.....and....now I think he will start to like me...you need to tell a friend...it makes you feel tons better....so if you have  a friend  have her tell him while he's in a happy mood....his reaction may be to scream or lol...but just wait this technique takes time and now he starts to smile at me...and to make it work when your bff tells you MUST be there at the moment...listen plz....everyone LOVES MY ADVICE..... Hope this HELPS!!!!! :)
Sana Khalifa Profile
Sana Khalifa answered
I broke up with my 1st bf last year but I still love him , he always keeps looking at me and when I look at him he turn his head down ,sometimes he say such things to me my friends always say that he hates me ,I ended up with a new bf but this one is even more worse than the 1st one I'm thinking about breaking up with him and I hope that my first bf come back to me ..:xD
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Just calm down and talk to him more and he might b interested I am going through this right now and its hard. Hes going out with my bff but we still talk and hang around each other. I read somw ideas from wiki answers and I'm going to try it you should try it too. Try to get a new look if he thinks your ugly and act like you don't like him and make him jealous and he will come running after you probably. And if he does then say yes but if hes one of those guys that will leave you for another woman then you should say no. I hoped this helped you out a little bit.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Just start being a little bit nicer 2 him everytime. Then if he comes back nice then no one will talk they will talk about maybe he likes you or somein. If he doesnt talk back nice ignore it and still be nice. Play jokes with him but don't try and act like you like him. Send him little messages like hey wasnt that test hard rite. Sound flirtatious but don't let any1 see the note. Be friends with his friends also. That always works. Hope you get him!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I really like someone who went to my old school and I still see him now, its so hard because my parents hate him and say I'm not to talk t him and he hates me ...
He likes my best friend wich makes it soooo hard for me because she don't stop talking about him it crushes my heart !!!! ANY HELP ???
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
3 years ago I fell in love w/ a guy too and his friend asked me out for him while he tryed to stop him the only difference is that I didnt say yes or no but he still hates me... I found the only thing I could do was find a new guy but you never really get over the first guy do you?
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Okay so I go to a really diverse school and I'm black and hebrew and the guy that I was in loved with finally started talking to me and he's white... We never went out but we always hung out and he walked me home and what not, but once other girls at my school found out they started racial rumors and sexual ones too about us and it tore us apart.. So his best friend told me that he wanted to ask me out but didnt want to deal with the bs and he didnt want us to date like undercover or anything because it wasnt fair, so we tried to be friends but instead he ignored me , stopped talking to me. Then another rumor started that I was getting back with my ex and he got pissed off and told me he didnt want to speak to me anymore... Then I had the lyrics to a really lovey dovey love song as my facebook status to honor my friend and her bf.... And he sends me another message like going off on me because he thought it was about him and now he gives me dirty looks and whatever.... But christmas day he sends me a txt like I'm srry for everything.. But I don't know what to do HELP ME!!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Well I'm sortof in the same position...there was this guy who was into me last year and we were extreamly close friends but I never told him that I loved him. And I regret it. Then this year came and he hated me. And one of my friends said something to him about the way I feel about him. And he was back into me for about three months. And something happened over a period of a couple days and I think he hates me again. He just ignores me tho the last time I knew he hated me he acted like a jerk to me. And now he just ignores me. And I don't kno what to do bc I have rlly deep feelings for. I tried hating him and I kno that I can't. So some 1 plz help.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I need help .... Well my boyfriend say he loves me and hate me. What can I do to make are relationship llike it use to be he don't even like 2 kiss or hug me anymore. But when I ask him if I'm what he wonts he say yes...... Please some1 help meeee x
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Lsn first find out why he hate you.if you can't find don't worry.smile whenever you c him.don't giv up even if don't
but can you help me?ii was going out with som1 4 6month.but ven parents cam 2 no,he started taking reveng on me.he started hating me.I tryed compramise with him but whenever I cal him 4 compamise he record it a show my parents
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I Like a guy who thinks I'm ugly what do I do he is the only one I like thats my age!
shush =) lol Profile
shush =) lol answered
You have to move...this guy is not worthy for your love...there are lots of guys out there who is better than him...and why does he hate you?
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
There is this really cute guy in my class, he talks to me, and I talk to him.. But the problem is we never have a connection together....
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Ok I dated this boy and I kissed him but his mom saw the kiss and now the boy hates me but I really like him
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I'm a guy and I hate this girl in my class because she cheated on me one of my buddies told me I got pissed and now I want to kick both of her buddies asses I also think that she is sociopathic manipulative cold hearted bitch
AD hen Profile
AD hen answered
You know.. Sometimes you just have to leave it. If you've already taken time out of your life to defend yourself, and no one is listening, then there is no point. People are stupid.. They put people down because their life sucks and it makes them feel good to do that to people. Just don't let it get to you. People start to believe what others are saying because they say it so much. So just know that you are right and you are better than them. They get off on you trying to defend yourself. It sucks.. I totally understand. But just remember... You are better than them!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Ok so I'm in the same situation tha your in. I'm in complete lovw with the guy who I think hates me,I mean we hungout the other night and he kissed me.and now he won't reallt talk to me and deleted me off facebook?guys are just really stupid.but he lives in my friends neighborhood so I'm going to see if hell tlk to me.if not than I guess I'm jjust going to hanve to move on. I hate boys!
paigie Profile
paigie answered
Okay I just started liking a guy in 7th grade and I'm in 6th. He liked me back a ot untill today...I skrewed things up :( I gave him a note telling him how much I like him and other people seen it and I might have embarresed him. Heres something I told him on facebook once I got home from school: I hope you come to your sences and relize you hurt someone who loves you....me. You told my friends you like me but I don't understand. I wish things have had gone down so diferantly I realy like you and I hope you feel the same way. I like you a lot and I'm not mad at you at all.... I think your the mad one. I love you but you hate me... Please reply and not let me go... I wont ever let you go
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Hi. I have the same problem but my love life is confusing and crap yet somehow I think I can help. Heres da ting I do camp an sailin an I wnt 2 camp 1 year an this hot guy was der I he gave off signals that he likes me. Nex year he an his brudda wa doin sailin an s was I. But 1 problem, I cuddent rememba which 1 likd me as him an his brudda r SUPER alike. 1 is a year younger den me an d older 1 an I didnt what to couger out so I decided to take my chances wit d older 1. I sent mi 2 bestest friends 2 ask wud he kiss me (where I'm from we say meet 4 future reference) he sed no ask mi brudda an mi friends wer about 2 rush off asking him but I stopped dem cu I was sure he wud say no an aniway I wasnt desperate an it wud seem bitchy 2 settle wit him just because his brudda sed no. Then d nex year he was at sailin I cringed as he walked over to our group because I was hopin id b saved the embarrasment. Mi hopes kept rising then o course he sat down in d circle of sailors. 1 of his frnds sed late as usual. Though it was a stupid thought mi family wer always late 4 everyting even mi mom slowwed down bi us because wer never readi. I smiled to miself. Of course d older boy I'm tokin about was ere. D younger 1 was in another group doin onli 2 weeks. We didnt tok much an soon we wer all lokin at odda peeps boats untill we came 2 mine gasps escaped people saw mi boat as it was a very rare cula 4 that kinda boat peepsthought it was real cul. I shudda said we didnt tok at all till 1 day he was cursing at me 4 reasons I can't say. Of course being a hot tepered bitch I didnt take it and cursed bac. A few days this happened he made fun of mi rainjacket I made fun of his hair. Of course I have to say it made me lv him soo much yet I hated him soo much. There is only a thin line between hate and love. So 1 day I was gona sail wit mi friend so mi boat was being left on shore. He came up to me as if e never hated each other an said to me "please fiona, can I borrow a piece off your boat?" I looked at him clearly then. He was seious seeing no reason why I shuldet let him use it after all if he wrekd da piece he wud hafta pay 4 damages aniway an no1 is that stupid.  So aniway I tell him  2 follow me 2 d boat. I'm tryin to remove the piece but it must b jammed or sumtin because it wudent budge. I then looked up at him and jurin da time I was tryin 2 wrench it off an asked "its stuck, can you get it off 4 me?" I lookd up at hs eyes an knew I didnt hate him at all anymore just liked him. And at d instant I lookd at him a song started to play (they had speakers playing music) called stereo love and now whenever I hear it, it reminds me of him after that he didnt h8 me he started to do real sweet tings lik fix d ropes on I boat etc. I can't say he likes me but he doesnt h8 me an dats a start. I don't know if that wa aniway helpful but you shud just wait and c what happens because h8 doesnt last 4eva it fades. An peeps mite say get ova it but I say don't GIVE UP! Theres hope yet.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
If he doesn't like you back then just move on..
He'll probably never like you, I'm sorry
& I know how guys are; I'm not a whore, but I've been through plenty of them!

One day he might even act like he likes you
and ask's you to hang out over the weekend
& when you go with him something bad will happen..
& he'll end up breaking or heart afterwards
trust me
back away from him
& move on
& find someone who will REALLY love you...not play with your heart.
Lucy Watkins Profile
Lucy Watkins answered
this happened to me, what I did was had a conversation with him on myspace
and we had some joke about this teacher n my school
and at school we just joked around
we got close
but didn't go out
Hope this is ok.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Well it depends why he hates you. But if you love him then you need to let him be happy. It is best you find someone who loves you to before you get really hurt.

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