This Guy Told Me He Likes Me, But Never Calls Me So I Stopped Calling Him To See What Would Happen, And He Didnt Call Me For 5 Days, Am I Paranoid, Or Does He Not Really Like Me?


8 Answers

milfred hoojighabba Profile
Here is my first piece of advise for you...never sweat the guy let the guy sweat you. Also if he can't take the time to call you and put in any kind of effort then he isn't worth your time. If you do want him to give you a real answer, tell him that you don't have times for games. Ask him to be honest with.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I think you are definitely paranoid.  Love sick.  If he doesn't call you, never call him.  Rule number 1 - never call the guy.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
He doesn't like you! Trust me....if he did he would have called you prompto.....feels pity for you, but not like you!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I am going through the same exact thing. I can't stop thinking about this guy, thought we had a great time together and he never calls either. So I asked him last night just to tell me the truth because I hate this game or whatever it is. He goes on and on about how much he really likes me and says all these sweet things and had to go but told me he would call me back that night...LOL Guess what he didnt, and now its the next night and I havent heard from him all day. So SCREW HIM.... What a jerk. My advice to you is please do the same..Good Luck
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
If you ignore (not call) a guy for a period of time and he still doesn't respond, then guess what? He doesn't like you....sorry.

Of course, he may regret it later and ask you to forgive him. I did this same thing with a girl and she would not forgive me.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It's not his fault though. It takes a TON of guts to just send the girl you like a text because you're so scared that she might reject you. I know it sounds weird but trust me on this one. But I guess that demonstrates his real personality.
berlin cc Profile
berlin cc answered
Is this guy I like first he tald me twice he likes me & you're cool all this thing now I'm liking him so he ignored  me so what can I do?

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