I Told The Girl I Love That I Liked Her, But In A Joking Way. Now She Just Thinks I Only Like Her As A Friend. Have I Screwed Things Up, Or Can I Fix Them?


3 Answers

Lucy Burroughs Profile
Lucy Burroughs answered
The good news is that it's not too late for you to fix things. The bad news is that you're going to have to stop skirting around the issue and just tell her, straight-out.

If she now thinks that you only like her as a friend, then any future attempts that you make to show your interest are going to be dismissed as playful, jokey flirting between friends. In a way, you've made things a lot more difficult for yourself, but at the same time, it might prompt you to actually make a move - in which case, it could be a blessing in disguise.

You're going to have to be very clear about how you feel when you tell her, now. Asking her if she wants to see a movie won't cut it - I think it'll probably have to be a matter of sitting her down and saying "Look, I really like you and I want to take you out on a date." Otherwise, she'll just think you want to hang out as friends, and the longer you let her think that, the harder it'll be for you to get her to see you as a potential boyfriend.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It was your behavior initally which make her to create that image of you. Now you can only explain your feelings by showing her affection and love and should avoid your initial behavior.
Chrissy Milago Profile
Chrissy Milago answered
It's never too late to say something. But be serious about it. Say it with a completely straight face - you mean it! And if this girl has brains she'll know that you mean it.

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