Thank you for your question.
I live alone and I like it.
Living alone sucks. In college, I remember having to fight tooth and nail every year to get into a rowdy dormitory. Nobody wanted to stay in the singles even though you get an entire room to yourself and share a kitchen with 3-4 people. After college I had to live with roommates in SF to pay off my college loans. I can't imagine living in SF alone. There's so much to do and explore, it would be pretty depressing to do it by yourself.
Sure I have stories about bad roommates, but it's was nothing compared to the adventure of living off on your own with a bunch of strangers who become your friends. Plus the fact that I now have such amusing stories makes it all worth it.
I prefer living with my family than living alone. Someone will be your critique for example clothes you wear, projects you do, among others. They will also give a feedback of the things you do. You have someone who will discipline you.
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