Should You Claim Back Gifts After A Break Up?


13 Answers

Penny Kay Profile
Penny Kay answered
I think that if any gifts like photos, or family heirlooms, or such that has personal value, have been given, they should be returned. Other things like trinkets or toys and the like should be kept. Make it as simple and as generous as it can be.
Angela Wright Profile
Angela Wright answered
It's a tough call really. Depending on who initiated the break-up I can see why one of the duo might want want to keep some of the gifts for sentimental reasons, but it woud re-open old and painful wounds of the break-up and such. Maybe it is this person's way of facing, dealing with and moving forward with his or her life, maybe he or she wants to take pleasure in destroying the items his or herself or maybe they just want to throw the things in an old shoe box for memory's sake and go thru them years from now. One needs to consider all the reasons for this desire and the repercussions of claiming said gifts to one's own life and heart.
It's a tough call as I said.
Good Luck.
mai Vang Profile
mai Vang answered
Well you need to think if you got the stuff back will it remind you of him? Will you feel better if you get it back? Or you just rather forget it and let him keep it because you don't need any memories of him.
jagad marxcarlo alombro Profile
Never ever do that.. It's not good. You already gave it and it would really be childish for you if you'll take everything back after you broke up...
Karen Henchen Profile
Karen Henchen answered
Every situation is different, but when it comes down to it, a gift is a gift. But, If my boyfriend gave me a ring that belonged to his grandmother or something, and we broke up, I would volunteer to give it back. If he bought me a ring (that didn't put him into debt for 5 yrs) and we broke up a while later, I would most likely keep it unless he really wanted it or I didn't want it. In general, if a person bought something of significant value for their bf/gf and then the bf/gf broke up with them, it should be returned. If the gift giver is the one who was in the wrong though, it's tough to say. So, I guess I wasn't much help because there is no clear cut answer. Each situation will be different, and it all depends.
Elizabeth Dilworth Profile
Well it depends what  it is, if it's personal things like home tel numbers and family photos then you have the right to get them all back. Maybe girts like valitines presents or christmas gifts he has the right to own. Those things belong to him and are in memory of you.
terry rossignol Profile
terry rossignol answered
Some people do I think it depends on the how long you have been in this relationship and the price of the items.
Winter Profile
Winter answered
I think if you gave a person something it is their's now now and if you ask for it back it should be there choice whether to give it back or not. If it was something of great value like diamonds or gold then there shouldn't be any doubt about it.
Kool Profile
Kool answered
No. Keep the gifts. Someday, those gifts would bring back the memories the both of you shared. And it is worth remembering (although you think now it is not. But you'll get over the bitterness).
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

Hmmmm if defends...but a gift is a are not rude anyway? Then dont think about it.. Hahaha..if you have given a car as gift, then i would thought a second time, but you already give it to the person, its unethical to do that move.

Aleisha Amohia Profile
Aleisha Amohia answered
I think you should and shouldn't. Should - because you are hurt of over what the person did or whatever and can't bear the thought of your stuff in their possession. Shouldn't - those gifts may come in useful one day

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