Fighting is going to happen in any relationship, especially about money....and it is also the stupidest thing to fight about....just think about it...people fight if they have it, and they fight about it if they don't have it... And fighting about money isn't going to make it magically appear...its called sweating the little stuff... My Hubby and I promised very early in our relationship that we wouldn't Sweat the little stuff, or the stuff we can't change....and we have been happily married for the last 12 years....tell your Boyfriend that your splitting it all down the middle, pay equal parts and don't fight... Guys don't like ultimatums... And thats kinda what you are doing when your stating you would pay less some where else don't give ultimatums unless your ready for him to move on!!! Good luck
My Boyfriend And I Fight About Money All The Time, It Is Stressful? I Currently Live In His Home And Argue That I Pay My Share And That If I Moved Out I Would Pay Less Elsewhere? He Feels That I Don't Contribute Enough,any Ideas?
I have seen this work more than once. You both sit down and "write" down all of the bills, expenses, etc.You both go over this and work out who should pay what and when. You write down what you both agreed on and you both sign it just like a legal contract. Now when something is brought up you just put the contract in front of the person to re-read. In time, there might be reasons to make up a new contract, but again you both agree to it and sign it. Now, if one person is not willing to do this and wants to play the fool, well you know where the door is...
You!!! Move out
Fighting is not going to help your relationship, a lot of couple fight about money, you both should sit down make a list of who's going to pay what and stick to it.
Fighting is not going to help your relationship, a lot of couple fight about money, you both should sit down make a list of who's going to pay what and stick to it.