Another sign that a man really loves you if he takes time to do the things that you want to do, and makes sure he can be with you whenever you need him. It's easy for a man to just do what he wants to do, but being spontaneous, romantic and wanting to do what you enjoy is a perfect example of the behavior of a man who is madly in love with his woman.
Actions Speak Louder Than Words (And Why Diamonds Aren't Necessarily A Girl's Best Friend)
You don't want to believe everything that you see in the movies, but maybe there's some truth to them where romance is concerned. Whilst gifts don't always mean he loves you, spontaneous and thoughtful gifts are often a sign that he cares about you and thinks about you when you're not there.
Of course, your man may just have a lot of money to spend and maybe that's why you shouldn't rely on this as a sign - but if the gifts he buys you are genuinely sentimental and thoughtful, then it's a fantastic indication that he is in love with you. The best gifts don't even have to cost anything - a heartfelt song or poem can be much more indicative of his feelings for you.
Whispering sweet nothings...
When your man tells you that he loves you a lot, then this can be quite the indicator that he cares for you. It's natural to suspect that it's not true if your loved one only says it in response to you telling him that you love him - but if your boyfriend says it first then you can be sure that he isn't lying and genuinely does have these incredible feelings for you.