You know what if your friends are talking behind you back then they really aren't friends to begin with. Maybe just pulling yourself away from them for a while and just spending time with yourself and figuring out what you want in life would be better for you right now. You don't always need friends to turn too.
What Do You Do If Your Friends Are Talking Behind Your Back And You Have No Other Close Friends To Turn To?
Yeah my friends keep getting worried that my mom is going to follow me everywhere just cause she is over worried about me. My friends hide from me now but they arent my friends now.
I AGREE here that to talk about a friend behind them IS WRONG-IT'S UNETHICAL. As I have always said though, FIRST:Have proof. SECOND: How reliable is the source the information is coming from (whoever is saying the gossip is actually going on), and THIRD:what was actually said(if anything) and IN WHAT CONTEXT? I recently went through something like this myself. I was what I thought "good friends" with someone ONLINE and SOMEONE FROM MY FAMILY even, went and started trouble by telling the person things THAT TO THIS DAY I STILL DON'T KNOW cause she won't tell me-(Nevermind the fact that this family member and the parents are INTOXICATED 99.9% of the time AND THIS IS A LARGE PART OF WHY I ORDINARILY HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH THEM)-but that's another story. MY POINT IS PLEASE have proof first so you don't ruin a friendship over heresay - you know what I mean? You DO have troublemakers out there who get jealous of others relationships (especially when they themselves have no friends to call their own) so IF you have proof, then that's one thing. If you DON'T, consider the things I mentioned above so your friendship does not get ruined based on a lie. There are MANY EVIL PEOPLE OUT THERE WHO WILL DO this kinda thing just to put doubts in your head about your friend! Thanks and I hope it works out for both of you.
First talk to your friends, there ay be a misunderstanding. If not they don't deserve to be your friend. Find new friends. I know what you are thinking, thats hard, but there is bound to be at least one other person in your world feeling like you. Now you want popular friends, well if they are the people making fun of you then they are not worth it, even if they are popular
Find someone who makes you feel good about yourself rather than having
If they are talking behind your back then they're not your real friends then to make new friends you can join school activities like basketball or band I have made a lot of friends that way.
Find new friends that can live how you are like I like to say girls are pretty thought the inside and thought the outside if friend talk behind your back just to listen to them unless you think it truth
Stop hanging around them because one day you might get in trouble and it
wont b e your fought it will be your friend fought and trouble will lie on you trust me I been trouble before and it was my best friend
wont b e your fought it will be your friend fought and trouble will lie on you trust me I been trouble before and it was my best friend
Well I have a friend she is so nice to me at school and on gmail she calls me UGLY STUPID AND ANNOYING then she tells all my Friends ant the think I am UGLY STUPID AND ANNOYING TO WHAT DO I DO
Well the ones who talk behind you these are not your friends at least who don't respect you. But this is the point that they are talking behind you then what is the reason. It is possible that there must be some fault in you ,if not and you are clear in your heart then its better to have no friends who talk behind you.
Well, I think that everyone will talk about everyone. Gossip comes with existence. So, I say, play it smart, I mean try to find out if they are talking with good or bad intention. Ex. Of bad intention-shes so ugly and annoying or Ex of good intentions- Whenever she doesn't do blah blah, it just makes me feel so ___.... Try to be honest with them, and if that doesnt work, then just try to ignore it, eventually it will pass.. The person starting all of this bad talk probably has really hurt or jealous feelings from you.. So, they have to work that out themselves. Just be careful who you trust, and be smart about the things you say.. And be self- confident but not cocky... Know who you are.
Talk to them about it. I live by the advise if what you hear hurts its true and if the truth hurts change it.. Talk to your friends and get the truth about how they really feel. I know it sound dorky but it will clear the air and you can all start working toward being better friends
I agree that they are not you real friends
Without judgement you speak the truth. "Talking to me face to face if you have an issue, is much more preferable than hearing that you are talking behind my back, if we are to be friends, I just want to let you know I heard you did this, and tell how I feel about it".
Well I Know that popularity is very important to you prob..I don't know and if your friends are popular then you don't really want to ditch just ignore them for a few days
This is just a suggestion, but you might consider talking to your counsellor at school. They are there for that reason. And because they talk to kids all the time, they aren't blind to how kids are, and how cruel they can be.
Ignore them. They will come through. Or act depressed arond them, they will feel sorry.
Ok first have proof and this person might have an attitude and it will hurt, say something that is very true and hurtful to them but not something that you will regret and say truth hurts doesn't it, then before they can say something back leave or turn the other cheek because they aren't worth it anymore
If there talking about you being your back there NOT your friends. And they don't deserve you. Find new friends! Ones that will respect you. I am going threw this right now and some people have been talking about me and now they don't want to be my friend and I'm fine with that... Bc there the ones who were talking about me.
If they are talking about you behind your back that means that they are cowards and they don't have the guts to say it to your face so just take a break from them and see if it dies down but before you do that make sure you have a good source of info make sure what you here isn't just someone trying to jurk you around
You just say you big meany to them and tell on them