There are some people who cheat once, learn from their mistakes and never do it again. And of course there are many who repeat the behaviour. Assume the worst about your boyfriend, then ask yourself "is this something I can deal with, or do I want to try for better?" Most people probably feel that cheating is a dealbreaker. But until placed in that situation, you never know how you'll react. I know people who never thought they'd stay with a cheater, but have done so. Life isn't as simple as black and white, right or wrong.
If I was to forgive and move on from someone cheating (or trying to cheat) on me, it would depend on the following things: How sorry they really are, if they have a history of cheating (what's the likelihood that they'd do it again?), and the act/incident itself. A one-off thing would be easier to forgive than an affair or repeated cheating. Also, I think you should evaluate your relationship outside the cheating - is it good otherwise, or is cheating just another problem in this trainwreck?
Whatever decision you make, make sure it's for yourself and one you can live with. At the end of the day, you only need to justify your decision to YOURSELF, no on else. But if you decide to stay with a cheating partner, then you need to be prepared to accept that cheating might be part of his personality. You need to accept that, and decide if that's what you want. Good luck.
If I was to forgive and move on from someone cheating (or trying to cheat) on me, it would depend on the following things: How sorry they really are, if they have a history of cheating (what's the likelihood that they'd do it again?), and the act/incident itself. A one-off thing would be easier to forgive than an affair or repeated cheating. Also, I think you should evaluate your relationship outside the cheating - is it good otherwise, or is cheating just another problem in this trainwreck?
Whatever decision you make, make sure it's for yourself and one you can live with. At the end of the day, you only need to justify your decision to YOURSELF, no on else. But if you decide to stay with a cheating partner, then you need to be prepared to accept that cheating might be part of his personality. You need to accept that, and decide if that's what you want. Good luck.