
My Girlfriend Cheats On Me. What Should I Do? I Love Her So Much!


55 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

This is obviously a serious problem in your relationship; which would normally spell the end for most. However, as you have stated, you still love her very much and therefore you don't particularly want to just walk away.

If you want to stay and fight for the relationship you will have to be sure in your mind about two things. Will you be able to fully forgive your girlfriend for cheating? Also, and maybe arguably even more important, would you be able to trust her in the future?

A good and successful relationship is built on trust and many failed relationships are down to a lack trust. Without trust you might find that you constantly question your partner and struggle to allow them to live their own life due to the fear they are up to no good. This normally results in the couple suffocating each other as they want to spend all their time together to make sure they are not able to stray. This is obviously an unhealthy situation and so if you think you would have to be with her all the time to keep your mind at rest then you may have to think again.

You also need to be sure your girlfriend wants to fight for your relationship and actually regrets cheating as it could unfortunately be the case that she wants out or would rather be with the person she has cheated on you with. As harsh as that may sound it is better to know for sure now then further down the line.

If you confront her and she admits everything and swears she won't do it again then you may have a chance. However it will never be quite the same as before and you must truly forgive her and trust her if it's to work.

thanked the writer.
Brice White
Brice White commented
The only advisable way to catch a cheating spouse is to Hire a private investigator, As a private investigator we would retrieve evidence of their shady activities and secret chat from their phone by remotely accessing the server of their phone and cloning it into a dashboard for you to gain full access into it. We also track their movements and locations to you per time and you'd get the feedback in your email address. Please contact a private investigator today on cyberwarriorspy61 (at) gmail(dot)com
Dipa Suresh Profile
Dipa Suresh answered
Are you sure that your girlfriend cheats on you? What evidence do you have? Did someone tell you, or did you see things for yourself? Did you ask her? What did she say?
If you are sure that your girlfriend cheats on you, then sit up; take a good look at yourself and your life. Why are you still with her? Leave! Immediately!
A girl who cheats on you once will cheat on you another time too, this is the general evidence offered by experts on the subject.
However, please remember, this is not the norm. If you feel that your girlfriend is a gem, and that this is a once in a lifetime happening, which happened because of certain circumstances, then you must have it within you to forgive her, and take her back.
If you really love her, you may be blinded by your love, so think deep and hard before you make your decision!
thanked the writer.
View all 4 Comments
Dipa Suresh
Dipa Suresh commented
Beware of this girl! She is playing with you!
Stavo edon
Stavo edon commented
My entire life I suffered one setback after another, I could never get ahead and my relationships never lasted more than a few weeks. I was told by every psychic, tarot reader and spell caster that I went to for answers that I was cursed and there was nothing that could be done about it. I would never have any luck and would always bee cursed. I paid three casters 7000 dollars of my money to try to remove the curse and nothing lifted. each spell caster claimed to do the work, but nothing got better and when I would complain they would tell me I needed more work done, But i gave this last one a try This spell lady is more than expected, she undo all the curse that she found on me and since then i have been with just one man whom i love so much and our relationship is going as plan. This spell lady has changed my life for the best. is never to be compared with. I am glad i met her even though i almost lost hope.
Brice White
Brice White commented
The only advisable way to catch a cheating spouse is to Hire a private investigator, As a private investigator we would retrieve evidence of their shady activities and secret chat from their phone by remotely accessing the server of their phone and cloning it into a dashboard for you to gain full access into it. We also track their movements and locations to you per time and you'd get the feedback in your email address. Please contact a private investigator today on cyberwarriorspy61 (at) gmail(dot)com
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The first thing you should do is say goodbye to this girlfriend. Her feelings for you are not strong enough to sustain a good relationship. She is obviously not too concerned about you or how you feel. If she could go out with someone else while she is "in love" with you, it is saying (very loudly) that she really doesn't care about your feelings, what really matters to "her" is "her". Move along quickly before you loose your nerve. Find someone who deserves your love and loyalty.
eli Profile
eli answered
Well you probably care about her a lot and are blind to her bad behavior. Hang in there as just a friend if you want but shed that bf title. She cheats on you out of disrespect. She might need you as a friend. She has issues if she's a cheater and probably does need good friends. Theres nothing you can do to stop it so just ween yourself of the situation.
Tyrell Crawford Profile
Tyrell Crawford answered
You need to learn to get over her. Do not do anything rash that you will end up regretting. If she loved you she would not cheat, that just means that she feels insecure with you and is still exploring her horizons. Maybe or in fact you two should take a break from each other while you go out and meet other women. You may just find the right one.
Jazz *** Profile
Jazz *** answered
I know this is kinda late but sir, THIS girl is playing with your heart. I know you love her but you have to love yourself and your daughter more than to let your heart get stomped on by an uncaring monkey.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Talk to her about it, find out why she cheats on you. You might love her but if she's going to keep cheating on you maybe your relationship isn't going to work out. Leave her if it get's to hard, do you really want to spend your life waiting for her to get back from the guy whose she's cheating on you with, or with an amazing girl who you probably haven't had the chance to meet???
yeoh-ri Eun Profile
yeoh-ri Eun answered
Don't break up with her so fast. Talk to her first, ask her why she did that. Maybe she had her own reasons why third party occurs in your relationship. Perhaps, you have the problem, I don't know. Ask her first and don't let your emotions beat you. Set your anger, hurt, sadness, disappointment aside.
If she's sincere and if she's really sorry for what happend, give her a second chance but if it happens again, that would be the proper time to break her up.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Stand up for yourself.   Take a day off of  work, pack her stuff, move her out, and change the locks.  You need to move on with your life and she's just holding you back.  My wife cheated on me.  I found enough circumstantial evidence to know, and kicked her out and changed the locks.  I felt bad in a way, until last weekend when I found undeniable proof she had sex with another guy (I broke into her email).  So, since you already know, just stand up for yourself and do it.  She'll play the victim, but you know the truth.  Don't let her manipulate you.  
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
If she is TRULY sorry then you can give her a chance but if she's not really upset about it leave her! If she does it again leave her!
kanesha tucker Profile
kanesha tucker answered
Leave her but I understand if you can't but talk to her about it and if she would not stop cheating on you then you have no other choice but to leave her because she don't want you thats why she doing that int he first place but thats my best advice but good luck any way
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Ugh, same thing is happening to me. I let her go away for a month and this asshole decides to make a move on her and she didnt stop him. I found out, but she claims she was going to tell me. I don't know what to do, think or feel. I got this sick feeling in my stomach and I love her to death. She tells me she loves me and she is sorry ... I'm not sure if thats good enough right now. My advice to you brother, is to do some serious soul searching. My gf is coming back soon and I have no idea what to do. I can't even look at her face right now I'm so angry. Good luck bro
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
If shes cheating on you, she dosent love you enough to stay with you in the future :,c and, the longer you stay with someone like that..the more heart broken you fell when you finely see the truth. Iv had this felling, it fells like the worst pain you can have :,< I would say just tell her its over so you don't wast your time on something that's not going to happen   

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You shouldn't think about it any more.just forget about her.she didn't love you!!!kick on her back.find another girl good girl.this time do not do anything dulll.....!!but don't worry!!!still there is  some good me!!!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Love comes with differences but if its true love you don't give up.. Once you put your ALL in it and you see it still doesnt work you leave! Over time if its ment to be he/she will come back but don't wait move forward
Bonnie Be Profile
Bonnie Be answered
Sweetie, you should leave her I know it's hard for you to leave someone you love dearly but she is clearly taking advantage of you and that's not right at all. I know you might want to stay in the relationship for the sake of the child but leave while that child is still young and keep Very GOOD CONTACT with the child but forget that girl! Good Luck
Paht Keo Profile
Paht Keo answered
I'm so sorry to hear such sad news. I've had a very similar experience in the past too, but being a Christian, I forgave her. First of all, did she say why she cheated on you? And second of all, ask her why does she still want to stay with you? Cheating on someone is one of the most painful experiences. You thought she/he loves you sincerely, but you found out later that they weren't serious about it. I wouldn't suggest kicking her out, BUT if she persists on cheating then she has to go. Really hope this helps.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
LEAVE LEAVE LEAVE LEAVE.....thats the only thing to say there are more fish in the sea love hurts I went through it to it took me a very very very long time but just don't stay in the same town as her move to a different town unless you can handle it in the same I couldn' do you know shes cheating
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I have the same problem, but I'm not sure if she has actually ever cheated. Everytime she tells me she is goin out I always say ok and I am cool with it, but whenever she gets mad and after cools down, she tells me the real reason she was goin out was to meet an old f$&k buddy. She says she has never met up with any of her old sex partners and I try to belive her but it's hard when she lies to me about why she is goin out n the first place. I love her so much. We are engaged and planin 2 hav a baby but I feel like I'm bein disrespected and that I'm the only one truley n love n the relationship
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
If  your spouse is cheating on you it is fully certain that  he or she will be using their computer to maintain the relationship.Spotdoggy spy software will reveal if you have a cheating spouse because it can Automatically records all the activities on the PC & Internet.Although there are many reasons not to spy on your spouse, there are also many situations  where I  agree it is necessary. My be your spouse  left before you ever had the chance to save your marriage.Hope this can help you.
sandy whitaker Profile
sandy whitaker answered
If you stick around she is going to keep cheating. Put your foot down or leave! If she cheats on you then it will be hard to trust her and this may eventually ruin the relationship.
Rebekah E. Profile
Rebekah E. answered
Never date a cheater. You may love them. But if there willing to go cheat on you that means that that person doesnt care about you. And if there cheating, there just not worth it.
Hey dude.  What you need to do is change the locks on the door - THROW all of her belongings outside onto the street and leave her on the outside where she belongs.  If she really needs help, I'm sure she can go to the guy she's been shagging behind yr back - Change the locks, call the police if she breaks in.  Instant arrest for her !!  Don't let all this good advise go unheard.  Please don't be soft on her.  CHANGE THE LOCKS.  you can do it!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Just forget it ever happen and just let her noe how you feel towards that don't do anything that you'll regret or memories that will come back once you have done whatever these people tell you just let her noe that you want her honesty n let her noe that you love her and you were their before the guys that she has been doing behind your back after the stuff that you have told her once tell her its OVER you don't deserve to be hurt like that just buy bags and get her cloths in it and then just put it in the trunk n get her in the car and drive to her mothers house n drop her their
D Profile
D answered and run now. Take great care of the child at every opportunity but this chic is totally bad news. You are young and you will find someone much better who cares for you as much as you care for them. Then you will realize what a true relationship really is.

Seriously, get out.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I saw her and many people says that my girlfriend is cheating on me! Even though we have a 1 year old daughter she states that he love the guy but she also loves me! What should I do? I love her so much but I feel that he is playing games with that guy! I am a 19 year old student and she is a 22 year old office girl the guy is 35 years old employee!
christina Profile
christina answered
I'm sorry to hear that even more sorry she is also free loading off of you. Is her name on the lease? If not, you could always call the police and they could make her leave. Sucks to have to go through that but you shouldn't let her use you.
saam Profile
saam answered
Even if you love her so much, the best thing to do is leave her. Once she knows your gone she might end up coming back, and if your strong enough you know you will deserve better. It comes down to if you still want to stick around and know shes doing stuff with this other guy and you just getting hurt and hurt by it.
emily garvey Profile
emily garvey answered
Uhm well I wouldn't just leave if I were you. I would tell her that you know what she's been up to and talk to her about it so she knows how you are feeling and if she really loves you she will stop and maybe you can forgive her. But if not and she isn't willing to change then I would end the relationship because no one deserves to be treated like that.
It's Private Huh Profile
If she can't leave the house, I suggest you the same as Chrissyg's suggestion. You can always call the police to kick her out of the house when you want.. Since if it is your own house, there won't be any difficulties.. And I know it's going to be hard, but think how she didn't think betraying you will be hard, you should do the same.. Sorry if I'm too harsh =P
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Man if I were you ill just bring sum1 else home and see if she gets the pic then she might try 2 cut the fool or sum but thats a risk you have 2 take its not like she can bring another man in your house show her who the boss is or you can play it real dirty and f*** the other girl while shes there or start doing her dirty do sumthing you know she want like cum in her face gag the b**** wit your d*** treat her horrible just don't beat on her cause you will go in if you don't know what that mean go 2 jail your choice good luck
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
My girlfriend has cheated on me 3 times now. First she kissed a guy, then the second time she did some things with another guy and then last week she had sex with another guy. I have left her but she wont leave me alone and crys down the phone everyday and is getting all suicidal and I think if I cut her off completely she will do something serious. What should I do to avoid making her hurt herself without getting back with her?
Jojo A. Profile
Jojo A. answered

You remember this, when you need to face it once and for all.  Present behavior usually predicts future behavior. Silence means acceptance.

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
When she's gone for about an hour or two pack her stuff put it outside the door either remove the key to the apartment from wherever she has it or change the locks and leave her a note or you could call the cops I suppose
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
My gf cheated on me with a friend but didnt go all the way with him and ran out crying then told me about it. This is the first time she has ever cheated what should I do?
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
call the police on her I did it now she doesn't live with me anymore she left her stuff so I gave it to the salvation army
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Tell her that your going to jump off the bridge, and go emo
and lost 2 legs and 2 arms and is at the hospital
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
HAHAHA dude go bang some other girls take her keys to the apt. Change the locks when shes not there pack her stuff and have it outside and if shes not leaving and making a scene call the cops she can go to whoever she cheated on you with
Dawn Sutherland Profile
Dawn Sutherland answered
If her name is not on the lease with yours you have every right to kick her out.  If you have already told her to move out and she won't then I would have to say change the locks and put her and her shit to the curb, and don't look back.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Well.. I'm surprised you haven't resorted to violence yet. But I think you should pack all her crap, wait till she leaves, throw her stuff in the hallway... And call the locksmith!Sonja
Jae Williams Profile
Jae Williams answered
To begin with girlfriend or not she should be helping you pay bills ...Make her leave! She basically is trying your patience because if I cheated on a guy twice and he didn't kick me out I would continue doing it...First time shame on her 2nd time shame on you.This relationship is headed no where I don't even think you try to work this out..She has probably done it more than twice you only know about these 2 times...A freeloader and a cheater is a bad combination..I think your being a little to nice...Kick her out! Asap...
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
My girlfriend cheated too, she didn't tell me until after I went down on her, I asked her why it was so wet while I was doing it and she didn't tell me he had came inside her until after I was done and she got off. Now I'm so embarrassed about eating his stuff out of her.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Ask her if you can watch, then you can both enjoy it and its not really cheating. It might even lead to threesomes which can be fun if you're comfortable in that situation (some men arent). Stay together for the kid.

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