It could be worth learning how to cook, particularly his favorite foods (cooking his favorite dinner is kin to him bringing home a nice bouquet of flowers. Unless his favorite dinner was ramen and bologna, but that's unlikely.)
Key element One: Your love is not enough - he needs your respect. If he doesn't feel respected, he doesn't feel loved. Never insult him in front of other men (this includes things like joking how he's not the handyman he think he is). Praise him when he does something nice (such as when my guy picked up the bedroom and made the bed a few days ago, I told him how great I think he is and tackle-kissed him.) Tell your friends when he does something awesome (such as - when I had a cold, he made me chicken soup and cleaned the kitchen.)
Key element Two: Take care of yourself. You don't have to be a size 6,... But make sure you are dressed neatly, that your hair is presentable, maybe put on a little makeup, and make an attempt to stay fit (oh, and be sure you smell nice - mouthwash and feminine deodorant go a long way. Yes, I just went there. :) ) The effort you put into maintaining yourself reflects on him. Depending on what age you are, great looking fancy lingerie always helps to get your boyfriends' attention, especially if you surprise him with it.
Key element Three: Play with him. If he likes, say, baseball, go play with him or watch. If he likes fishing, go fishing with him, or at least take a good interest in it and ask him why he likes it, what he caught that day etc.
None of these suggestions should mean that you compromise your own self respect or that you have to be bored listening to what he has to say, but a lot of men and women don't naturally have the same interests, and your boyfriend might just be assuming that you won't want to know about his hobbies. So, be open and honest with him, tell him you'd love to know what he is thinking and what he has been doing throughout the day. Also, respect that he might not be very chatty compared to your female friends.