First you have to determine what is actually upsetting you. Is it the money he spends on friends instead of you? Is it the friends he chooses to hang out with and how they treat you? Is it the time he doesn’t spend with you? Are you simply being selfish and wanting him only to yourself? Are you really insecure in your relationship and don’t want to admit it? What is that one thought that always gets you going? Something is needling at you or you wouldn’t be getting upset.
Once you have determined what it is that is upsetting you, take a good look in the mirror. Be honest with yourself and figure out what you want. Once you know what your trigger is and what you actually want in regards to that, you have to communicate it to your boyfriend. Are you expecting more than you give or are willing to give? If you are, you need to be fair and realistic, but if you are, have you communicated it to your boyfriend? Are you being fair and honest in your communication about it?
One thing that I use in my daily life that I can tell you will resolve this issue for you one way or another is to be completely honest with yourself and those you love. If they matter, they deserve the complete and honest truth from you and you from them.