Me And My Boyfriend Have Nothing To Talk About. What Should I Do?


15 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Talk about something that's happening currently in the social world... There's PLENTY to talk about!
Olesia Profile
Olesia answered
Hm-m-m-m.. It's always the same situation. At first you with your boyfriend or girlfriend have a lot of things to talk about, but then time passes and one day brings the understanding that fact that both of you are loosing something. It's the problem of many pairs. Maybe you should use google to find some topics to talk about, to discuss. But this is not a tragedy, you can change it and then relationships will be greater then before!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Try to find something that you two have in common.
Annie McManus Profile
Annie McManus answered
Well mabe you should get something that you either both like or if you're not at class then get something to entertain him somehow?
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I hear you girl!!! I have the same problem with my boyfriend. We have nothing in common... It's almost like he is a caveman, I never can get in there. If I try , then this is how it goes: Baby what are you reading?    Nothing.   Who wrote it?   Some guy.   What's it about? Stuff...   When did you buy it?    I don't remember.   But if he goes out to the bar and hangs with his friends he's the life of the party.   A couple of nights ago I met him at a bar with my friends and within 15 minutes every one of his friends offered me a drink,    as for him?   I kept waiting until I finally asked him to get me a capt and coke and he made such a stink about it some of his friends offered again...
Now I'm making him sound 100% worse than he really is, the reality is we have nothing to talk about because we have nothing in common and  I have known that for a while but I kinda just figured that eventually... He would give me something.   It's been 4 years and we are still having the same argument.  Actually we just had that argument and he's sitting in front of me pretending like we just had a regular conversation, he doesn't even realize what I'm writing about.    FML!!!!
Gillian Smith Profile
Gillian Smith answered
If you can't find anything to talk about this would point to the fact that perhaps you haven't got much in common.

Perhaps you have reached the end of the relationship and need to move in different directions or you could think about doing things together that you are both interested in and that would give you something to talk about.

Some relationships do get along without much verbal communication but they usually flounder in the end. Things in common and communication ensure a good foundation for a firm relationship but you don't have to talk all the time.
If you are worried about this and it would seem that you are try to find things to do together and ask your self is the relationship really going anywhere.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Honestly if you think about it, if you and your boyfriend have nothing to talk about it means your really not that interested. Because people who love each other or like each other always have something to talk about. Sometimes the conversations go down hill, but eventually, they all come back together and you guy's always no matter what have something to talk about to each other.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
My boyfriend is one track minded. All he talks about is music and the studio and what songs he recorded after that there's nothing. I love him but I think I need to move on. When the things we do most are argue and get freaky that's a clue that things are at the end. Bright side the make up sex is great, but then it's back to the drawing bored. NOTHING IN COMMON!!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Not really me and my bf been going out for 4 years and we get tired of not sayign anything trew aim but in person we talk 4 hours ...we never have nothin 2 say is just I do stupid things 2 make him talk or say sumin stupid or funny
randy eanes Profile
randy eanes answered
I think you should bring something up to talk about. Talk about how you feel about each other.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I'm having the same problem, and I love him, and we do have things in common, hes just really shy so maybe thats how it is with you
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Actually when you trully love someone its the love that will create connections...but please find something to talk don't have to talk non stop but try working it out..all the best
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Tell him that you cheated on him with his best mate..... That way you will endless conversations

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