Oscar De La Huerte answered

My boyfriend stares at other women!
You're sitting at the bar, sipping on a gin and tonic. Your man is clutching a fancy European beer in his hands. You're both having a great evening: The music is right, the drinks are flowing.
You quickly pop a compact out of your bag to touch up your foundation and suddenly you catch a glimpse of your man eyeing up a tall blonde on the other end of the bar. How does this make you feel? Does it make you feel like you are:
- Not pretty enough?
- Not interesting enough?
- Not sexy enough?
Well, one positive is that it's unlikely your partner will be thinking any of the above. For many men, the temptation to 'sneak a peek' is simply too overwhelming.
In my opinion, his next move is more important than anything he's done up till now. Once he notices that you've clocked him checking out another woman, how does he react? Does he:
A) Look away hurriedly, trying to act like it never happened. b) Keep gawking until you intervene.
If the answer is 'a' then the chances are he's got a weakness for pretty women, but he respects your feelings enough to know when he's crossed a line. If the answer is 'b' then I'm afraid it's bad news.In my opinion, his next move is more important than anything he's done up till now. Once he notices that you've clocked him checking out another woman, how does he react? Does he:
A) Look away hurriedly, trying to act like it never happened. b) Keep gawking until you intervene.
So should it bother me if my man looks at other girls?
Essentially, the answer is yes. A man shouldn't be checking out other women if it offends you, whether it's natural or not. If it makes you feel uncomfortable, then it's disrespectful.
It takes a confident woman to accept that it may happen, but being confident doesn't mean putting up with it. Let him know how you feel in a calm and understanding manner.
If he still can't keep his eyes 'on the ball', so to speak, then maybe it's time to consider more drastic action (by this, I mean breaking up, by the way).