Scientists have stated that a teen doesn't know boundaries, have impulse control because not only are they not mentally mature yet, their prefrontal cortex in their brain isn't fully developed yet. He will be a man, in about four years. But as of now, he needs strict discipline combined with love and understanding. To give up on him now, would be to give up on someone who can be a fine and upstanding person in five years. Love, understanding, discipline and forgiveness is what this kid needs. And he needs it soon.
Judge Judy and I concur on this case...hurry along, we ain't got all
But are they really? They know this boy better than we do, maybe he has been going wrong for a long time and they feel this is needed to shock him into pulling himself together. We just do not know enough to make a judgment.
In contrast to all these other answers, I say yes -- there are times when a teen's actions are so negative for the rest of the family, that he can be shown the door, permanently
I teach behaviour classes at a high school this situation has happened several times during my career. If the teen is violent to anyone in the family on a consistent basic (not a one off), if they regularly cause property damage (punches holes in walls), brings drugs into the home or is stoned at home, steals money or things, displays alcoholic tendencies, or causes a parent to be intimidated or fearful, it is ok to turn the teen out.
The parent is obligated to provide minimal money for his keep elsewhere until he is eighteen. If he is of no fixed address, providing support is difficult.
Parents and younger children must be protected from violence and negative examples of extreme anti-social behaviour. Lots of kids conduct their own lives at age 16. But parents and siblings do not need to be kept hostage by an extreme, out-of-control teen
The State has got some strong info from their investigators in this case, it sounds, and that needs to be considered too!
However I'll Bet they're thinking like this psychology major Sissy!