I Still Love My Ex Girlfriend And She Does Not Believe Me She Tells Me That I Have To Show Her That I Love Her How Do I Do So?


5 Answers

Lena JH Profile
Lena JH answered
I'll tell you right now, being that I was in your ex-girlfriend's shoes before, she does not believe you, but if she still feels the same way about you then she wants to believe you. You just have to work with her, and it will not be easy at all. You will mostly have to get on her good side emotionally and win back her trust. You should also get on her family and friends' good side also (but not until you are at least decently on good terms with her again).
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I think you have lost your credibility. Now it is very difficult to prove that you still love her. But you can try to ensure her that you still love. First of all try to find out reasons responsible for the break up with your girlfriend. If it was your fault then accept your mistakes and assure that you will not repeat again. To get back with her always do those things which she likes. Try to fulfill your commitments. Tell every thing honestly to her and try to win her heart again. This might take time but your continuous efforts will bring success. Good luck.
kathy choice Profile
kathy choice answered
That is the same thing I did. I broke up with my boyfriend because I thought I had feelings for this other guy but when I realized that I didn't I wanted to go tell my ex. Unfortunately, he was with one of my friends. So I was debating on whether I should tell him or not and I ended up doing it. Well first I made him a lil acronym(cause thats what we do) then we talked about it and he told me he still loved me as well. My friend didn't really mind cause she always knew that he and I would end up together. Basically what I'm trying to say is she still loves you. If she didn't then she would have just straight out said no. Instead she wants you to prove it to her which is easier. Just tell her you are sorry you wont make the same mistake and if she decides that she doesn't want to try it again then its her loss not yours because you tried.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

My entire life I suffered one setback after another, I could never get ahead and my relationships never lasted more than a few weeks. I was told by every psychic, tarot reader and spell caster that I went to for answers that I was cursed and there was nothing that could be done about it. I would never have any luck and would always bee cursed. I paid three casters 7000 dollars of my money to try to remove the curse and nothing lifted. Each spell caster claimed to do the work, but nothing got better and when I would complain they would tell me I needed more work done, But i gave this last one a try priestessmunak@gmail.com. This spell lady is more than expected, she undo all the curse that she found on me and since then i have been with just one man whom i love so much and our relationship is going as plan. This spell lady has changed my life for the best. Priestessmunak@gmail.com is never to be compared with. I am glad i met her even though i almost lost hope.

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