That one friend , tht always pronounces a word wrong and all your life you try and tell them but they just don't listen! LOL who has tht prob? 8)


6 Answers

Maxine Chan Profile
Maxine Chan answered
That happens with my mom. All this time she pronounces fruit as flute.
Ray Ottewell Profile
Ray Ottewell answered
Is prob, a word, I don't think it is you know, I think you have pronounced it wrong.:))
Ray Dart Profile
Ray Dart answered
One of my ex-colleagues always said "pacific" when he meant to say "specific".  In company meetings you had to be embarrassed for him. He never mentioned a specific ocean though.
Janey Profile
Janey answered
Yep my BFF can never pronounce the word Paparazzi no matter how many times we help her out - she called them Patsy Rafferties lol !!
Lexi Profile
Lexi answered
Oh my god my friend is just like that. She can't say school without putting a Scottish accent andwealways take the Mick out outofher=P
thanked the writer.
Addilynn All Star
LOOOOOOOL haha thts frend she can never say crisps! She sayd crips! But she cant pronounce the S ! LOOL we always take the mick too! 8) funny aint itt
Lexi commented
Oh yeah that reminds me of this other girl who can't say s without twisting her lips=P

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