
What If A Guy Stares At You But Doesn't Smile?


21 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Being a guy I sometimes stare at cute girls but don't smile. I think it's because I'm shy, but I'm just waiting for her reaction.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
He may be scared you will not smile back or could be afraid of rejection which most guys are.
If you like you can always smile at him and see where it goes.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
They like you but could be shy .
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
He must like you!
Lena JH Profile
Lena JH answered
Could be that you remind him of something or someone, and when he stares at you he is lost in thought.
Jillian Peppe Profile
Jillian Peppe answered
Then you either can smile back at him and wave silly or turn away and just act as if he isn't there.  More than likely he is looking in your direction and it seems like he is looking at you.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
This could be all possible reasons,mabye he is to shy to smile or is so dazzled in your eyes he can't think of smileing I get the same thing too a boy in ,my class tht I fancy does the same don't sweat it boys will leave you confused :)
Zak Savinski Profile
Zak Savinski answered
Well,either try n smile, or look away,and ignore. Do what you want. But just be careful...but some guys arent the smiling type either
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Our class is boring, so stared in spaced after a minute or seconds,I realized I was already staring a person...
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I know its wierd theres this girl that keeps on looking at me in class its either that person is thinking of you or you have something on you face  whoever that person is she /he is crushing
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Everyday in school this boy from across the room stares at me and I look and be doesn't look away so I do and I have a crush on him but I don't no if he likes me and every time I start talking he leans in realy  far and seems like a good listiner but I'm afraid to ask him out because last year we got to be good friends and I asked him and he said no.
Flaviana Mayella Profile

Same with me. I just don't know too because this guy stared at me in my school trip but we don't know really well and he stared at me without smiling and never say HI to me. 

My friend says to him that I want to say Hi but I'm kind of scared and he just said, Oh say Hi to her from me. And one more thing, he said nothing to be scared of. What does he mean by that? Seriously??? Probably that guy is shy too just like most of the guys are :)

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Hmm...I would also like to know the answer to this question... There is a boy in my year who is always looking over to me. By this point I know it's not just 'in my direction'  because I'm in nearly everyone of his classes and the other day during science he came and sat next to me and started flirting.
   However, when ever we're in the same classes he's always looking at me but not smiling.  When he see's me notice he either waits a few seconds or turns away... Does he like me or not? I'm so confused :S x
   Maybe I should just ask  him ??  X
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The same thing is happening to me!! My friend asked this guy out for me, and he was with his friends and he said no..and in the morning there are 3 boys and I'm the only girl there because we all get there early..and he just will stare me down..and I look over n he will look away but on the cornor of my eye I can still see him starring at me..its weird.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Haha I have the same thing with this guy I know (and like) when I look at him during my classes I see him already starring but he doesn't look away when I look, instead just waits for my reaction
jennifer goodwin Profile
I have the smae problem my landlord's son he is always staring at me but never smiles and he's even knocked on my bedroom window 3 times now and the last time he came to get the rent he actually said hi to me when he knocked on ym window we made plans to meet up somewhere but he never showed up it's confusing?
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
This happens to me. There's this guy I really like (he has a girlfriend though) and he's naturally a really smiley person and sometimes he stares at me and sometimes he's smiling and sometimes he isn't - really confusing :(.
alicia kopperman Profile
Yeh its sort of the same thing with me but a little different..
There's this guy thats new and I don't know him coz he in my friends grade but I was standing around with my friends LOL and I was eating a sandwich and he was staring at me and like right into my eyes.. I noticed and I didnt know what to do so I kept staring and he didnt look away or anything but he didnt smile either he had like a soft gentle expression on. He stared for ages and then his brother started staring O____O
please help.. So confused =S

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