My Best Friend Just Told Me He's Gay, ( And I'm Quite Homophobic) How Can I Tell Him I Don't Want To Be His Friend Anymore?
For Pete's sake put something on your profile [age to tell us who you are and how old you are. It helps us to give more appropriate answers. I should think that the answers you've already had -- including mine -- would make you feel pretty bad.
You've obviously been brought up in a family, and probably a church, that make you think there's something wrong with being gay. There isn't. Over the next five years or so you're going to run into all sorts of ideas that don't fit very well with what you've been taught. That doesn't mean they're wrong. And it doesn't mean that they're right, either. As you develop more experience and more understanding, you'll get better at making the right decisions.
Meanwhile, try to act like a friend. You won't become infected with a "gay germ" by having a gay friend. You may well develop a sense of compassion, and that will help you right through your life.
You're kind of an awful friend... Sorry, but it's true..
So is he actually different from the person you have always known? I mean really? Think about it. Don't just dismiss him because of this. The only thing different is you are not going to be each other's wingmen when you get older. So instead of dismissing him as your friend ask for some time and space to think this through. Then actually think it through. Think about how he really isn't a different person then before, it is just that you know a little more about him.
Maybe you should be honest about how you feel, if you would really care about him you would not be there asking this question, if he's really your friend you don't have to let him.
You 're maybe afraid that if you hang out with him people will talk? Honestly it's his problem if he's gay.
It's not about you. Look into a mirror and if you feel guilty about letting him stay friend with him and if you not that mean you 're not really a good friend so be nice to him and let him, he can find a better friend than you.
That's so shallow...
So, you are saying you have an irrational fear of homosexuals.
This person would be better off and safer without an irrational person, you, around.