The only way you are really going to be happy again is to find out what is making you unhappy. You will find you can try and change anything you want, but this problem could come back to haunt you.
It may be a difficult thing for you to think about. Maybe its something that happened a long time ago, it could be something really small thats just niggling away at your subconscious. But you will have to find out what it is.
There are some things you could do to help improve your mental state and make you better equiped to face those problems.
One of those things is exercise! You may not feel like it but regular exercise is a great way release stress and push good hormones around your body helping you to feel energised. If you don't like the gym why don't you join a dance group, get a jogging partner or take up a martial art. You will also broaden your social network!
It may be a difficult thing for you to think about. Maybe its something that happened a long time ago, it could be something really small thats just niggling away at your subconscious. But you will have to find out what it is.
There are some things you could do to help improve your mental state and make you better equiped to face those problems.
One of those things is exercise! You may not feel like it but regular exercise is a great way release stress and push good hormones around your body helping you to feel energised. If you don't like the gym why don't you join a dance group, get a jogging partner or take up a martial art. You will also broaden your social network!