It may seem that that is all boys want, but they are in some way driven to impress both you, and their friends at the same time, the friends are usually feeding them all kinds of information about what they did and what should be done if you want to be a real man, most of which is not true by the way. However this can put great pressure on a young man, to perform and to be a real man, as his friends keep telling him to be, this is made even more complicated by the fact that he has these development hormones raging though his body
giving him the message that his friends are right, however crazy and riduculous their stories may be.
So he acts on this. As the saying goes, if you don't ask you don't get. So he may push you into this, but it is your decision as to when and if you agree. He should not always expect you to go along with his needs, and If he does, he is not able to maintain a relationship and build trust.
giving him the message that his friends are right, however crazy and riduculous their stories may be.
So he acts on this. As the saying goes, if you don't ask you don't get. So he may push you into this, but it is your decision as to when and if you agree. He should not always expect you to go along with his needs, and If he does, he is not able to maintain a relationship and build trust.