Have You Heard That Boys Are Produced When The Women Does All The Work Sexually And With Girls It Is The Opposite It Is The Male That Has Performed More?
The scientifically correct answer-not saying anything about evolution, I am a true follower of God, not evolution junk- is that a woman has two x genes. The male has an x gene and a y gene. If the x gene from the male combines with the x gene from the female, the result will be a girl. But, if the y gene from the male combines with the x gene from the female, then it will be a boy. This is so because the y gene is genetically stronger-therefore overpowering and overruling- the x gene from the female. So you see, the x gene creates baby girls, and the y gene creates baby boys because it is stronger. No, I actually have not heard that saying...
I have never heard this one, I was told that when the mother is carrying if she loses her waist line, she is carrying a boy, and if she is carrying a girl she will keep it, meaning on her sides, where the tummy arcs inward a little.