TELL MEEE! If a guy is really caring and sweet and I barley get to see him but talk online and I ask him out and he rejects would he start to worry if I stopped writing him for a while? I write him everyday.


2 Answers

Mai Kou Chang Profile
Mai Kou Chang answered
Girl you got to play hard to get! You can't do that to boys.. Sooner or later you'll just end up getting hurt by being too clingy. Boys don't like clingy and people who are all in their business. Give him space.. Then he'll start to wonder why you haven't contacted him. Therefore if he really likes you back... He'll text you first. Just wait it out.
Arthur Wright Profile
Arthur Wright answered
Chances are no, not after awhile but may wonder if rejecting you will have anything to do with disappearing but will get over it in about a hour at most and then move on

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