Let them be jealous...what you do is ignore them and go on living your life. Do what makes you happy. Don't listen to people tell lies. There trying to get a reaction out of you. Don't let it happen. It will only dig a bigger whole for you. Be strong and let that petty stuff roll right off your shoulders.
What Do You Do When Someone Is Jealous Of You And They Spread Rumors About You That Aren't True To All Your Friends?
All I can say dear is this if your friends listen and take the rumours to heart without even talking to you first then they are not your true friend.Sad to say but some people are so miserable that they will do anything to bring themselves up and they think by hurting other people that they will feel better and some really believe this
Ignore them and everything they say. Your real friends will stand by your side.
Ignore your friends who are telling lies about you. I got a new car and family and friends are talking about me really bad behind my back. I ignore them. They do not exist. Good luck.