
What Do I Do When My Boyfriend Stares At My Friend?


5 Answers

Karen Henchen Profile
Karen Henchen answered
One thing you will have to learn at a young age.. There are no men in the world that do not look at other girls. It makes the situation a little worse though when the girl he is looking at is a mutual friend. The best way to remedy it would be to just tell him you have noticed his wondering eye and you don't appreciate it. A quick glance here and there is no big deal, but when he is noticeably staring, he needs to cut it out. See how he reacts, and go from there. If he knows its bothering you, and he really cares about you, it will stop.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
This is a difficult situation. Boys will be boys, but I guess if hes not cheating thats a good thing. Ill tell you something that my girlfriend used to do. When she caught me staring at other girls, she would literally walk up to the girl and say (my boyfriend over there would like your phone number, do you mind?) it worked simply because it was embarrassing to me when she did this. You should try it and tell me what the outcome was. I'd be interested to know.
Fred Jones Profile
Fred Jones answered
First you need to trust him as well. You must think that he is staring and might take action on whatever it is that he is thinking while staring, otherwise you would not be jealous. You brought up that you don't think that she would get involved with him and that is a good thing as that is what friends should do for each other but what about him? You must think that it is possible that if he is staring at her, then there may be others and people who would not care that he has a girlfriend.

You need to talk to him about what you have been noticing and why you are concerned. I am sure there are many reasons why you are concerned so think it out before talking to him. Don't let the conversation get elevated to an argument as I am sure your feelings will be strong and it will be difficult to keep your emotions from coming out but it is a must or it won't do any good and could lead to a break up
melissa brown Profile
melissa brown answered
Well tell him how you feel about him looking at her and tell her because that is your friend and she know that yall are 2gether and they shouldn't be flirting with each other.
Hugo Salom Profile
Hugo Salom answered
Maybe he likes something in her, or finds her cute, or finds her attractive. Who knows. The point is, that does not mean he prefers her. In fact, if he is with you, it is because you are the best. The best for him. The one that ring the bells and knocks him down. Why don't you try just asking him "why do you stare at her so much ? - Maybe the answer will be so simple you will then have peace of mind.

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