A Little Knowledge Goes A Long Way
As the girls grows from childhood to the adulthood they also learn number of things about relationships and guys, and many are wary of being led astray. Saying that, most women believe in romance and true love, so, there must be a way to seduce every woman. As all women are different, men should use different techniques for seducing each woman. The first and most important thing for the seduction is to make your girlfriend comfortable. For a lot of women it is the mental as well as the physical stimulation that gets them to the stage where they are even open to being seduced, so you have to put some effort in. Most women like to be told that their body is great, and to hear what you like about her. Be consistent with your attention, don't run hot and cold. There are women who say that they like a 'bad boy' but by their nature, these 'bad boys' are charming and disarming, that's why they're 'bad boys' because it's not obvious. Think of the term 'wolf in sheep's clothing'!
A Way With Words
To earn a woman's trust, You should make out that you have never been really open and honest with a woman before, then make a point of sharing a secret with her, and make her work to get it out of you. She will feel then that she knows you on some level that other girlfriends haven't. If you can show her any sort of emotion too, she will feel really trusted and close to you, and this is quite a turn on for women.
You could also try telling her that sex with other girlfriends has never been great, because you have lacked this deeper connection with them. Then, if she has any kind of competitive streak, she will want to have sex with you to show you how good she can be, and because now, she thinks that this is the final missing piece of the puzzle. You should obviously tell her she's the best sexually or at kissing that you have ever experienced, and what ever you do...don't talk about past girlfriends in any positive way...this will turn her off totally!