What Is The First Thing That You Notice When You Look At A Man?


13 Answers

Eunice Kwarteng Profile
Eunice Kwarteng answered
The first thing i notice is their face especially thier eyes.
The Dragon Profile
The Dragon answered
The eyes...I can read someone though his eyes.
luth dela cruz Profile
luth dela cruz answered
I look first at eyes... That is the mirror of one selves
Savannah Alli Profile
Savannah Alli answered
Well the first thing i notice is their face but my gaze lingers on their eyes then their ears. I've a thing for men's ears. No i'm not weird.
Rebecca Quick Profile
Rebecca Quick answered
The first thing I notice is their eyes, it shows if they are sincere or not. Like they say, the eyes are the way to the soul.
Joan Profile
Joan answered
The first thing I notice is their hair.  It should be clean and combed (not tousled).  And, please, no pony tail or comb-over.
Jacquelyn Mathis Profile
His face and eyes. I detest beards, mustache is ok. Love, red hair and blue or green eyes. Can't be scrawny, gotta have some muscle, but not all ripped.

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