If A Guy Stays Online With You All Night Almost Every Night Does That Mean You Are Special To Him?


12 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Ok here is the situation, online relationships are a new way of the older penpal relationships which brought together many couples in our pasts. I myself do not condone online dating sites or smut sites where you can end up totally deceived by nut cases and sickos, but sites where you have something in common like say an online game room or a fansite of a pc game or even sites such as this and many more, are a great way of meeting new and safer friends. I myself met my husband over 2 1/2 years ago in a fan site community of the sims 2 pc game and we became really great friends rather instantly along with a few others. We continued our friendship for the next 8 months during which time we grew rather close and decided we possibly had much more than just friendship going. So we decided to plan to meet and see if what we had was in fact "real" and planned a trip across  the eastern seaboard of the states together (he is from Norway). We traveled for 2 weeks the first trip and found we were definitely made for each other while returning back to my home for 2 weeks of leisure. Then we went back out for another 2 weeks in the other direction (a bit west) including a trip to Vegas where our fansite community had a convention for 4 days and met 6 more of our friends. He spent a total of 2 month here with me and decided to take me home with him for 3 months so I could meet his family and friends and see his homeland. Well I of course fell in love with Norway and didn't want to return home when the time came, but unfortunately there are rules. So home I came alone and that's when it hit us harder than we both have ever been hit before, we were totally 100% in love with each other and had to do everything we could to make this happen. Well the next 9 months we were back on the messenger and fansite along with a few expensive phonecalls and grew even closer (you tend to really get to know someone from the inside out, rather than a physical attraction this way). So we searched the net for immigration laws in both directions and made plans during this time, and decided he was to come here for a few years to see if we wished to live here or there. He came back that next summer and we were married by september, the beginning of a long immigration process, but well worth it in the end. So be sure of yourself and each other and if it's meant to be, than you will pull each other through the hard times during this process. Friendship is by far the most important part of any relationship, so build on that and good luck.
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
Thank you for your answer!! That's really good to hear!! We have been on here for 8 months now, messager I mean. I live in the USA and he lives in the UK.. If there's any info you can give me immigration that would help us out alot..
Anonymous commented
Hi Lisa, I can give you all kinds of info and save you from the tiresome searches and time away from each other, but I cannot tell you here. I requested you as a friend in hopes that enables me to either private message you on the site, or allows for an email to go through:) Not sure, so let me know please.
Anonymous commented
Sure I can guide you through the whole process np;o) Just buddied you so hope you accept.
Lauren Seniz Profile
Lauren Seniz answered
Well, I wouldn't count on it due to the fact it only over the computer, you might just be a really good friend outside of his "normal life" who he might be able to relate to differently that he could someone else.

Or just ask him how he fells and tell him how you feel too =]
You never know whats round the corner! GO FOR IT!!
tina harris Profile
tina harris answered
You mean the guy your flirting with on your page Him..why don't you ask him lo.. Hasn't he been telling you how he feels all Night.I'm sure he let you know. I think he likes you, a hole lot.    Take care.
kanta sutton Profile
kanta sutton answered
Are you sure he is who he says he is though?? Its scary there are nutters online all the time. He finds you interesting that's why he maybe contacting you. When you do meet please meet in a public place just in case. Better to be safe then sorry
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
Yeah your right there is ALOT of nuts on here!!! Thanks for your comcern but you get to know someone alot when you spend as much time as we have here for the past 8 months!! :)
william hellberg Profile
On line relationships are a challenge.  If peeps are CHRONICALLY neglecting the basics, food, sleep, employ, i would not give them high marks.  They don't teach u this stuff in school, do they?  There's no owners manual.  But guess what, its just the beginning of a new way of life, a new culture wired together by the Internet.  You can't deny it, it is really cool to have someone online.

Older ppl have a tendency to believe everything that comes across the wire.  Not smart.

Enjoy, but make it a new year's Resolution to multi-task & time manage a little more effectively (polite way to say don't obsess quite so much).
Andy Profile
Andy answered
I love you baby that's why !
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
I love you to andy!! And erm nice donkey!! People are saying we're flirting lol xxxxxxx
Nisar Gujar Profile
Nisar Gujar answered
You are more special to him because he is doing all in internet and he is not getting all from you in real. And he is waking for you, in my opinion he deserves too much returns from your side.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Yes because he would ask me out on a date i would say baby boy where do you live so we can have sex together naked in your bed or mine.
thanked the writer.
Andy commented
Thanx for your comment i wish things were that easy !!! Lots of obstacles in our way including the north atlantic lol but i still think shes worthy !!
william hellberg
william hellberg commented
If the "across the pond" relationship includes a component of non-personal
(ie hobby in common, professional interest, etc.) then hang on to your COMPUTER
buddy, even on a reduced amount of time, in the event that Mr. Or Ms. "Right" comes
along in person. Latch on to the destiny before you!!!!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Yeah it means alot!! We been goin at it now since may 1, 2008 and we still inlove just that big pond wont dry up lol would make it a lil easier!!! Hey anyone kno how I can get my profile back lol I got pissed and deleted awhile back now hmm I want it back lol its mine I tell ya it mine!!!
lover boy Profile
lover boy answered

Yes or he'd sleep 💤💤💤💤💤💤💤💤💤

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