Yo Kass answered

However, if you're determined to get back with a previous partner, here are the three main things you'll need to do:
1. Give it time Rushing back into things is never going to work. It'll just make you look fickle and indecisive. If you're going to get back with your ex, you'll need to show him/her that you've thought things through and that this is really what you want to do.
2. Be friendly and patient. Break-ups are often messy affairs, so the last thing you'll want to do is seem desperate to get back together. You also don't want to nag or seem clingy - as this will make you look insecure and, frankly, unattractive.
Rather than "persuading" your ex to get back with you, it's far better to play the long game and remind them how much they miss you. Show off your charming personality and all your other wonderful qualities.
Spend time together under the pretext of being "just friends" and, when you feel the time is right to make a move, make sure to take things slowly.
3. Jealousy Jealousy is a powerful weapon and, if used correctly, may be just the thing to make your ex realize they've made a big mistake.
Once your ex sees you enjoying a great time with a member of the opposite sex, they're bound to question wether breaking up was really such a great idea.
Just be careful when posting jealousy-inducing photos all over your Facebook timeline: There's a chance that the whole thing could backfire, and your ex will never want to have anything to do with you again.