She doesn't hate you. She may be under a lot of stress at the moment and parents are only human. Never the less that doesn't make it any easier for you. Try to understand that she doesn't hate you and we all say things we don't mean and wish we could take back, parents are no exception.
Try talking to her about how it affected you when you are both in a good mood. Approach her in a gentle non accusation-al way, say 'when you said ______, it made me feel ______,' Don't bring the it up during a heated argument though or when there is tension between the two of you as it could lead to further arguments. Hope I helped!
Try talking to her about how it affected you when you are both in a good mood. Approach her in a gentle non accusation-al way, say 'when you said ______, it made me feel ______,' Don't bring the it up during a heated argument though or when there is tension between the two of you as it could lead to further arguments. Hope I helped!