Because they think they know better, they forget you were teenagers once as well and will not take good advice. It's all part of growing up, you have to let them make their own mistakes and just be there if they need you. Also try not to take the 'I told you so' attitude with them, all that will do is make them less likely to come to you for advice or help later on in life.
Because its our natural reaction to argue against our parents. Why should they tell us what to do with every aspect of our lives when in actual fact, its our life to be lived by us. We completely understand your need to worry and care about us, we like that you do, but still, that doesn't justify your need to be so clingy and irritable when we wish to stay out until 10 instead of 9. The majority of kids today are very independent and wish to take our route instead of yours, thus finding out about life for ourselves.
Thanks for reminding me about the "I told you so attitude".
I think teenagers argue with thier parents because they think that their parents don't understand what they are going through but they fail to realize that their parents were also teenagers and they don't want them to make the same mistakes they did!!!!
Lack of understanding I guess. I'm like in the same position as the person who posted 2 posts before me. I'm not allowed to do much really- but I'm a straight a student. I just don't understand.
We argue with parents because they expect a lot from us these days, my parents want the best for me I know that. I'm 16 years old and I get all a's and b's in school, I don't stay out late and I know better than to get pregnant at a young age,I actually know when to say NO! I help out a lot in my house hold and yet they don't let me hang out with friends who live a block away. I baby sit my sister every weekend because my dad leaves with his car club and my mom goes to work. I'm very mature for my age, I practically raised my little sister. She's closer to me and my grandmother than any other family members. I never have any time with my friends anymore. And after school I got to come straight home. It sucks ! I have a computer and a cell phone yeah but come on so does every other normal kid. Were no different than anyone else in high school. Besides those who arent as lucky as others. I'm very thankful for having parents but they need to step into our shoes before they tell us "No you can't do this or that"
Of course it is because we DON'T KNOW WHAT WERE TALKING ABOUT ! Most kids these days don't have direction in their lives and live as adults. I have to argue all the time with mine but keeping my children safe and well is my number one priority and I care less about attitudes. They'll thank us in the end.
Parent think the no what is best for there child
Furthermore, I want to have children and it's going to be hard but the number one thing to a parent is that their children trust them but, to tell the truth if you are not hip and keep saying "back in my day....." they won't because it's not your day it's ours so keep up because if not you will be left behind. I practically raised my little sisters and all of my siblings respect me more than our parents. Why? Because even though I might not understand some of the new slang I try to learn it and not think that their feelings or concerns are dumb because mines were more difficult. Some parents tend to do that and you just can't because at the end you lose your kids to something or someone else. I know it's hard to be a parent and it's scary but remember you are not perfect and you will always make mistakes and when you do tell your kids because it shows that you are human and ALWAYS explain your decisions. Don't think because we are young we don't understand.
Parents actually dun understand their kids sumtimes...may be this is the reason
This is for vjola, what don't parents understand? Your right it has changed, teens now and days are doing more than what our parents were doing. Now and days teens like you are spoiled. They have computers to type with cell phones cars. Theres really no reason for all that. Kids now and days don't appreciate anything thats really the difference now. And you better watch what you say, because your day will come too. Being a parent is scary!
Cause their parents think they can tell us what to do..:)
Yes, it's a time of life when you aren't really worried about danger, isn' t it? Also, it's an age when you've realised your parents don't know everything, which can temporarily lead you to believe they don't know anything! There is also I think this sense of turning more towards your friends/ peers, because these are the people you will be spending your life with...of course, your peers at that age haven't necessarily got a lot of sense! If you are dealing with a teen at the moment, you might like a look at these tips.