I Talk To Myself WAY Too Much. What Can I Do?


58 Answers

Joe Gilbert Profile
Joe Gilbert answered
There are a number of things you can do to reduce how much you talk to yourself; join a club that may interest you, start spending more time with friends and family, arrange to see a life coach or counsellor to talk through your issues with or perhaps buy a pet?

The first question I would ask is; why do you feel this is a problem? Most people talk to themselves on some level, even in public you often see people talking to themselves. Talking to yourself in private can be a good way of getting your feelings out without the repercussions of having to tell someone else. It can also help you go through certain situations in your head, helping you to deal with them if they arise in real life. All in all talking to yourself can be quite helpful.

The second question I would ask would be why do you think you talk to yourself? Once you understand the reasons, it may be easier to deal with. For example, if you have become detached from friends or family somehow and feel like you have no one to talk to, or you feel that no one listens to your problems, then it may be worth arranging to see a councillor. This will allow you to talk through feelings of loneliness and will give you someone to talk to about your feelings. If you feel the problem is a result of spending too much time on your own, I would advise joining a club or group that you are interested in e.g. Drawing, crafts, dance etc.

In some cases talking to yourself excessively can be a sign of stress or depression, if you feel this may be the case make an appointment with your GP.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I talk to myself too! This is really comforting to see I'm not alone. In fact, myself and I were discussing how funny it would be to throw a party for people who talk to themselves. And everyone would only talk to themselves. It would be so great, just imagine going to the best party you've ever been to and the only person you have to deal with is you! LOL I like to practice conversations or sometimes I like to imagine I'm a very famous person giving an interview about myself. This is actually really helpful sometimes, ask yourself a question about something important or serious about yourself and honestly answer it. You might be surprised what you discover. It is a good way to relax and learn about yourself.
Sylver Fox Profile
Sylver Fox answered
I talk to myself all the time, I'm enjoying it, and I'd never give it up. I don't care if others think I'm crazy. To me, I'm not crazy. I am completely aware of the things surrounding me. Even though, I am completely unaware of what's happening to others around me. It's like... I don't even care. I am not a sociable person, and don't have many friends. Right now, I can even say I don't really have any friends at all. The only one who is actually willing to listen to me is... Myself. So why should I talk to someone who doesn't even give a damn? I also have a strange tendency of deviating from the subject when writing and starting "writing to myself". I know others regard me as being a lonely person. Bat that's what I am. I've embraced it. Not ashamed of it. But loving it. It only gets disturbing when I feel like I should stop, but still can't. Well, I know where my problem comes from, if I may call it a "problem". I don't particularly like people, and I'd rather talk to myself, the only one who'd understand me in the first place. To me, talking to other people is unpleasant and a waste of time. Rarely do I feel indulged to start a conversation with another person and actually enjoy it. People are always so judgmental, and I hate that. It's hard to find someone who is open minded enough to understand and not judge you for what you do, or what you think. People have the need of socializing and thus, anyone that is different, or has different needs is "not normal". But the only one who can decide if you are "normal" or not is yourself. What does normal mean anyway? To be just like everyone else? To loose identity? No thanks. I'd rather be myself. The way I am. While it is true that people are social beings, some people need more socializing, some less socializing with other people. I could have discussions with myself for hours, and still have something to talk about. When talking to others I encounter this awkward silence... And the reason is: Incompatibility. You know that the person who you're talking to wouldn't care for the subject you'd like to discuss, so you don't bring it up. I believe that there are several reasons for why one would talk  by himself/herself. And the reason could be: Boredom, loneliness, clarifying things to oneself, thus solving life related problems, but it's not like craziness is about to take over. Each person regards some things as being usual and some others as being unusual. It's never the same for two people, there's always going to be something that they're going to disagree about. I mainly talk to myself when I'm walking alone. Not when I'm being with colleagues or watching movies and so on. I also talk to myself when I'm not "communicating" face to face. I tend to do that a lot over the internet. Since the one I'm talking to is not really present, I loose myself and act as though they're not here... Because they aren't. They're somewhere, in front of their screen, and even though I know that I'm supposedly talking to them, I feel like it's just myself. And there's no one else there. Now, I'm pretty sure that I can't help you with your question. Especially since I have no real knowledge about how to stop it, and mostly because I wouldn't want to stop it. I guess the only thing would be: Be aware of what is happening to you every second. Then you might not get lost in "day dreaming". At least that's how I like to call it. Oh my... I've written way too much already. Hope everything will work out for you. Whatever you decide to do.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
My mother was worried about my niece, she said shes 7 and goes off talking to herself so I said mother I'm nearly 30 and I still talk to myself and we had a good laugh.
We all have a crazy side within us or should I say a side which seems crazy to the world around us.
We suppress this so others will accept us because we all want so desperatly to belong.
I find chatting to ourselves helps to get things done better around us and remember you can always say your chatting with God.
You have to be a little mad to function in this world anyway so welcome to planet earth and good luck.
David uk
Fred Jones Profile
Fred Jones answered
You must be assuming that talking to yourself is a bad thing. Maybe you should change your way of thinking.

I also talk to myself and everyone always told me that it's okay unless I begin to answer myself. Well, I can carry on a full debate with myself as well with questions and answers. Am I crazy, I don't think so and nobody has told me that I am.

You probably just need to control where and when you talk to yourself. Like Dr Phil says, "It's okay to talk to yourself" just keep it under control
thanked the writer.
Mark Moore
Mark Moore commented
You are crazy when you know you're not normal. It's a state of mind. On the other hand, some people don't even know who they are, they have no idea how to communicate with their own selves, that's what I call crazy! :D Just relax, enjoy the scenes you create.. Even better, try while in the middle of the conversation to sit down and write it, maybe on your computer so you can save it and check it back after few years. You'll be amazed by what has been concerning you, and where you're standing now
Michael Kargas Profile
Michael Kargas answered
Wow! I love the internet for such QAs.

The best cure, when you thing you are a freak because you are doing something frequently that is not considered normal, is to search for that thing and discover that so many people are doing it, hear different stories, discover that you are not alone and that maybe more people than you think do this and maybe they hide it as you might do too.

I talk a lot with myself, to figure out things, to analyze my thoughts, etc while making long walks on the city. I even enjoyed it, it's only that sometimes I try to lower my voice or stop for a little while when I pass nearby people. Sometimes I have a very interesting conversation with myself while some street walker accidentally happens to walk two meters behind me and at the same pace and I have to stop talking when I realize, but then I stop at some place and let him pass and keep a distance from him so that I can continue doing this without worrying. Haha!!!

Some people have told me that. I was worrying. But a good cure is to take things lightly, we are humans as everyone else, not freaks, everyone with his own weird habits. It's just an innocense thing afterall. People do more harmful things that are considered normal. That's a joke. So, why bother? I used to be sad but now I enjoy being who I am and having a laugh with people who don't like this.

Also, a party of self-talkers, what a funny idea :)
Mark Moore Profile
Mark Moore answered
I talk to myself as well. And here is what I think.

I'd start with couple of things I have noticed, we "self-talkers" are usually nice people. And by nice I mean, we are so nice that we would put some others' favors before ours, and if we're not there for them, we feel very guilty.
Usually we are lonely people, even if at some times social and hyper, but generally, we're not very much open to people. Even some of us have boyfriends/girlfriends/husbands/wives.. That's only one person. I personally have a best friend who I can talk to non-stop, and I am very open with him. Although sometimes I feel like "I am eating the guy's ears, I should stop".
And like I've read somewhere within the words here, we're tied to something from the past, maybe a dream world, maybe a nature, maybe even a trauma, whatever it is, it feels like if we let go that valuable thing "us" we're keeping alive by talking to, we would no longer be special. And although we want to be as much alive as everybody else, it doesn't seem like an option either.

Anyway, to cut the whole psycho talking short. I want you try something out, if you're a self-talker.
While you're talking to yourself, about a certain subject, bring that subject to real life immediately. Like for example, you're playing a conversation that's about to happen right in your head, just stop talking to yourself, and take that conversation to the real person. Sometimes it feels like you're going to be bad, or do something against your nature or your image that people know about you. But it's okay, remember, you talk to yourself a lot and you can't stop, and that means "YOU" matter.
It's not always easy as it may sound, I personally did it a couple of times, and I am still practicing. And I have to tell you "Oh My God! It feels .. AWESOME!". When you take that thought, that action, that conversation or whatever it is to real life and simply make it happen, there's a whole big thrill there.

But sometimes, some conversations are not even real. Like for example, I talk to "the love of my life" a lot. And unlucky for me, that's not even a real person who exists anywhere in real life, only a creation of my mind. I'd say that's my lonely side talking. I tried to cut off the not-so-real conversations before, I even set a rule for it when I felt it's almost impossible to stop it. I remember it was at 11:11 everyday, I will have my own 1 on 1 for 1 hour only 1 time a day! :D That explains the 11:11. Anyway.. The main trick was, I would never wait for 11:11 to start talking, it just hits me that I want to talk right now.. But it seemed a little fun that when I am around that time, I am ready and willing. So it felt like I can control it a little.
But let me tell you, it didn't really make a huge difference. And then I simply said to myself, as long as I enjoy it, why stop.
The only thing I found out aside from that is the other type of conversations I mentioned earlier, if taken to real life, it really does feel good.

TRY IT ;-)
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I do not think it is crazy.  But I know why it concerns you.  I came here myself because it concerns me too.  I talk to myself in full and complete sentences.  I do it all the time.  For some reason, instead of the phrase "talking to myself" I catch myself using "talking out loud."  That's a silly thing to say.  Of course I'm talking out loud, that's what talking is!  I think I use that phrase because the concept of "talking to myself" is so stigmatized.  I often here or read something to the effect of "it's okay to talk to yourself, as long as you don't talk back."  I do not believe that's true.  I talk back.  I mean, I can have a full on conversation with myself.  Example:  "I can't believe I'm talking to myself."  "It probably means you're crazy!"  "Oh yeah, well I guess that makes you crazy too!"  It's not like I'm hearing other voices.  I know both sides of the conversation are me.  It's still weird and scary though.  It freaks me out to think about it too much, so I try not to.  Recently, I got a wired headset for my phone with two ear buds.  I wear them everywhere I go.  Now, if I'm talking to myself out loud and someone sees me, they might think I'm just on the phone.  Or if I'm just thinking to myself, and my lips move, they might think I'm listening to music and enjoying the song.  I enjoy talking to myself, it makes me think more clearly, helps me rehearse upcoming conversations, and helps me to remember important things.
thanked the writer.
Pall Mall
Pall Mall commented
I would love to meet some of you ! I've been talking to my self since i was 13 and i spend hours doing it...i always wonder if i was the only one
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I talk to myself a lot as well, and have done since I was about 4 and I'm now 21. I used to hate it but now I don't think anything of it. As long as I'm alone. Sometimes I will think about something I did or said that I regret and no matter where I am I will just utter some verbal abuse to myself, then realize where I am lol. I think its like talking to your conscience or a god like figure but I don't think I'm religious. But I do and always have had the feeling that I don't quite fit and assume this is normal (ish). Also when I do talk to myself I sort of feel like some one or something is listening, is this all because I'm insecure or insane? But I feel like I could just talk for days putting the world to right. However I have always been quiet and self critical. Also I have tried writing my thoughts down and thinking in my head but it just doesnt have the release that thinking aloud does.
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
I'm talking to the screen as I'm reading.. having one-way conversations with you guys.
I actually was talking to someone in my head on the train the other day, then without realising it ended up being a full blown conversation out loud. My girlfriend was even sitting right beside me. The guy sitting opposite me was freaked out thinking I was talking to him... whoops!
I do this sometimes when I'm in bed and tired, but being kept awake. I'll just blurt a fully coherent sentence that has absolutely no relevance to the situation or conversation I'm in. :D
It gets a few laughs, so as long as it's not hurting anyone or stunting your development I would say go with it! - Just be conscious of how often you are doing it.
I don't think it's a problem... I embrace it! - Although it can be embarrassing when you get caught. ;)
Maggie Taylor Profile
Maggie Taylor answered
Hi you...Taking to yourself is great because it helps you to hear the words as well as think them, so it enables you to get to your goals in a useful way, a lot of people do not hear themselves when they talk or even when others talk, if they do there first perception is often their own, which is okay if they are saying it but not useful if others are, so to hear your own words to yourself is good, as long as you remain the self you are talking to, are you having memory loss ?  And what bothers you about doing it ?
And is it associated to any other behaviour ? Eg drink or walking

I have always talked to myself sometimes out loud, but never without thinking, the best way to keep the useful trait is to talk to yourself about important things every morning or evening in the mirror, watching your facial expressions tone and words and look at the motivations the concern that prompts you to ask the questions, how important is it to you ? Rip it to bits and get it sorted, it is a wonderful way to make a choice and be thinking before doing, although trust in oneself and one beliefs is the best way to have a little more confidence, and during the day try and stay in the moment as if you are watching and hearing everything even yourself, feel the seat you are on and smell the air, take the time to smell the roses, give people your time and get into their space, so you can understand the words, understand there expression, tone, try to listen and find yourself hearing and interested..

I hope this helps...Maggie
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I talk to my self every second of the day, I don't talk to anyone at school unless they come up to me. I have friends but only if we have things in common. Its very hard for me to start a conversation with someone because I do not know what to say but the whole time I am talking to my self on what to say. I think of really messed up solutions in my brain but can not put them in words and if I try it comes out in terrible english. Like what I'm trying to explain right now. When I talk to my self its inside my head though, when ever I'm alone (almost never) is when I will randomly talk outloud and can not really stop it. It feels like almost there is another person inside my head that I am talking to all the time and never gets boring and also I learn things by talking to my self that others don't and which I don't explain to other because I can not put into words and they would not understand or care       whats going on?
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I talk to myself all the time, and if I don't, my breathing will time itself to my thoughts(this is annoying). It's perfectly ok to talk to ones self, even if its not 'normal'. The only problem you have is not being very good at it!

I recommend that you self talk in the quietest whisper you can. Theres really no reason to speak at an audible level, and I bet that you will gain the same advantages that self talk brings whilst minimizing potential embarrassment.

And another thing: Anyone with a 'problem' like this, trust me, no matter what it is there will be thousands of others that do it.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I would think enjoy the conversation. Man life is so hard already If you have a tool to sort out your problems who is someone else to tell you that that tool is not viable or useful. Crazy is a witch hunt sometimes or an excuse to sell meds to someone who isn't "normal". We are all different and I embrace these differences and yes I talk to myself, but not in public... It is hard to fit in sometimes while talking to myself in public. That is the one common thread through all of these posts. Next time you see someone talking to themselves maybe you should compliment them on being independent.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Why do you think people go to therapists? They pay to have someone listen. You get the benefits for free!
Some people think with their mouth. Others just think in their minds.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I can remember being little and watching my grandmother do it all the time, so in my case I think I inherited it.  I hate it and I know it's a matter of time before my co workers catch me a in full fledged conversation! I try to stop but the more I try to stop the more I do it.  I know I'm not crazy and I'm not lonely but I don't know how to stop. What I've noticed with me is that, if I'm really proud of something, I will say it out loud and sort of have a conversation about it, like I'm talking to someone and I'm saying their answers, it's the most bizarre thing! Grrrr.  I'm so afraid I'm going to do it front of my boyfriend, we live together and have been together for 8 years and so far I haven't been caught.  It's so freaking frustrating! I hate it!
sadegh fallah Profile
sadegh fallah answered
You know?
I talk to myself when I'm alone too,but I see no problem in that!!
Maybe because I don talk TOO MUCH.
I think one solution is listening to music, specially when walking.
I do that and enjoy both.
You can THINK about different and enjoyable matters in your life when you feel that you are talking too much.
Well, I hope I could get my message across.
Good luck
Kya Hain Profile
Kya Hain answered
I talk to myself as well, in the head. I talk to myself for all my dreams and fantasy in the life as if they were true. I even talk to other people a carry on a full conversation and it is always related to my dreams, my feelings, my love in life etc...
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Almost ALL  people who answered DO talk to themselves :D and I do to! :) I'm sure it's normal and I'm sure all people do that, but we never say we do lol  None of my friends know tha about me! Its private)
I imagine my future interview whem I'm very successful for example,and tell the story of how I did it,how different it was in the beginning. Its fun! I enjoy it!:D F E E L S very very real,and you know,to attract wharever you want in your life you got to f
eel it first! So Talking to myself eve helps me ;)
use it as a tool
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Just control it as appropriate... Don't worry, I do it ALL the time when I'm alone. It helps me sort out my thoughts and it's also cathartic in a way.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I always talk to myself when I'm alone. I talk to myself like I'm being recorded...24/7. It really annoys me. I just have full blown conversations for HOURS!
I feel like I'm crazy, and I can't stop.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I'm 14 and just wisper 2 myself. When I'm in bed or walking my paper round I talk to myself like I'm explaining 2 myself something I already know
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I do this also and I am trying to stop as it is very embarrasing when out in public or on the train or in a bar, etc..just my lips are moving but no real talk or sound but I am getting very strange looks lately as I believe I am doing this and not even realising it.

Also when I read I tend to read with my whole mouth moving as if I have to make the words sound to me to be able to comprehend it,, is this weird or what,? Or does anyone else do this when reading,,? Then I guess it carries over to when I think I am moving my mouth again to even think to myself, .. I hate it, I am trying to stop and am trying different things like holding my mouth shut and tongue against my teeth but I think it somehow just still moves, as I say its causing me a lot of stress and embarrassment when I am out and I want to stop it before it drives me totally crazy.

I never did this when younger it is just in the last 5-7 years it seems when I started it and it seems to have progressively worse over time.

Is there any help available for this problem does anyone know,? Would a therapist help with this matter I wonder,? I need help badly with this problem as it is ruining my life socially, professionally, and every other way,.. Feeling desperate about it now and I think I need help quickly,.. Has anybody got help for this and overcame it,? If so, how did you do it.

Thanks, I appreciate any feedback or advice.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Oh my god I thought I was mental, because its what everyone says is the first sign of madness. But I guess we're all a little bit mad really!! Like I don't really talk back to myself but I will have a full-fledged conversation with myself, sometimes in public if I really feel I need to clarify something to myself. This is such a relief. Id still like to cut down a little tho but I find it hard not to talk to myself because I feel like no one else cares / is interested.
thanked the writer.
Johnston Manayrd
Johnston Manayrd commented
There are studies currently being done in MN trying to study the signifigance of this being related to unique forms of demon possession. I personally don't know if I believe in all that, but this article says that 3 people who were actually living in MN died from freaking out because they couldn't stop. I'm 2 of those cases, this girls voice was so low that she started bleeding from her throat. Anyway, I would be carefull eating ADD meds and amphetamines. I'll post the link N 1 sec. Brb....
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I talk to myself and yes out loud all of the time. My husband is always saying "What?" I tell him I am talking to myself or to my computer. Yes, I am stressed and lonely. I would be more stressed if I stop it. I also have a compulsive disorder. I need to replace  every love that I have lost with things!!  It is a common trait of hoarders. Who really cares what I do? No one!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I am 19 and I have talked to myself since I was a kid, I mostly do it alone when I am smoking a cigarette or something. It just helps me figure stuff out, and I debate with myself when I am  trying to figure something out. I don't think its a problem, when I am around other people I am talking to them sometimes I just say thing like "what was I doing" and stuff of that nature, but alone I have full fledged conversations with myself. I am a little bit lonely but its something I do to think and not to cope.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Sugar, I suggest buyn yourself a blue tooth and just continue on- it is therapeutic to talk out problems or opinions if no one else is around - humans are social creatures and communication is necessary to our well being. With a blue tooth you won't look as crazy to others (who prolly talk to themselves as well, but can't admit it hahahahaha) and you will be sure you are giving yourself your full attention.... Sounds kinda sick I know, but you get my drift!!! Best of luck!
lyric (: collier Profile
It is okay to talk to yourself. You are normal and are just saying things you think outloud.
Try starting a diary or write it down in your phone.
Try having your best friend you can tell anything to hang around you all the time. That way when these things happen that person will have a responce for you. That way when you find yourself talkin to yourself.. You will decide to call up your friend so you can have a responce from another point of view.
Brenda Harrell Profile
Brenda Harrell answered
Hi, I think you should some people to talk to. You seem to be spending to much time alone. Take Care!
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
I do it all the time! It may have something to so with my ADD, all the thoughts in my head trying to get out. When I was a kid my mom would hear me in my room and tell me to stop. At home when my husband and I are in the computer room at the same time I dirve him nuts sometimes talking to the computer! I also probably drive poeple crazy at work, but oh well. When someone comments I just laugh and say that I do it all the time.
Darnell Carpenter Profile
I talk to myself so much that I never seem to get to bed on time.
I only do it only when I'm alone.
When I'm at home or at work I do it without noticing.
I don't talk to others very much.
I was voted the quietest person in my graduating class.
I can't find anything to talk about when I'm with friends.
I know it's a habit and that it will not go away over night.
I've tried journaling. It didn't work.
I don't really listen to music or watch tv.
These solutions may work for you.
Try spending more time with friends.
The less time you spend alone the more time you'll spend talking to others and not yourself.
Get used to being around people during your down time or when you can't hang out with friends.
With practice you can make yourself feel that you are not alone even when you are by constantly being surrounded by people.
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
Hello my friend. I am 26 years old. Since my earliest memory I have talked alone to myself all my life... in the earliest memory, I´m like 6 years old, I had this stuffed rabbit toy, that I used to tell stories to, so I would fall asleep faster :] Well, I can´t say that I´m a lonely person... I have a great family, a lot of friends... But every opportunity I have of being alone, I can´t help but to talk to myself... It is like thinking out loud, but I love it... helps me know myself better and put my ideas in order... actually, sometimes, even when I´m walking in the street, I talk to myself... The only thing that makes me sad, is that I don´t have the courage to share this with anyone... I feel people will think I´m crazy, or make fun of me... so even now and then, if I am caught, I just pretend I´m singing a Song, or talking on my mobile phone... Seriously, keep it up... Like I said, it helps you put your ideas in order... and it´s always an intelligent conversation... normal and healthy, don´t be ashamed... you are not alone :]
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I talk to myself in private and public. I never realize I am talking to myself. Now I am having a problem in College because when the whole class is talking to each other, I guess I am talking to myself. My teacher has busted me out in front of the class and she asked me what I was talking about. I told her I was talking to myself. She said well since you are talking outloud your conversation is privy to everyone in the class. By this time, the teacher was watching her busting me out for talking to myself. How humiliating. I have not been to class since. I have ADHD and I don't know if that is the reason why I do what I do. Does she really think that I would talk to myself in public if I knew I was talking to myself in public? She knows that I have this disability through the disability services but she has defied everything that I am entitled to through the services. What can I do?
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I know the feeling.  I do it too and want to stop.  What I am doing is putting my tongue between my teeth (like biting it) for a while until I break the habit.  Sure it may look funny, but I will deal with that after I quit talking to myself.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
So happy to find out that other people do this too -  have just been talking to myself in the kitchen whilst cooking and  after about a couple of minutes remembered my daughter was in the living room with the door open and no doubt listening to me thinking I am going crazy! Then embarrassed I shut up and she came in to me and acted as if nothing happened and has now gone out but I still feel uncomfortable.  Still glad to know its a normal thing and not a crazy person thing. Thank you all for telling!!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
All my life I have had conversations with myself in my head but just lately have I started to get headaches from them So I started talking to myself and that helped with getting rid of the headache but now people hear me and think I'm insane or something so now instead of talking to myself I've found that it helps to write down the things in my head instead of actually saying them out loud.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Talking to yourself really does help to straighten out your thoughts and also get to know yourself more..I think...its interesting since it's kind of like practice when you actually have a conversation with someone...you know?..
Plus, I think that so many people do it secretly in fear that they'll be considered crazy but I think its ok if you do it....as long as you don't go overboard
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I don't think it's unusual to "talk to yourself." To an extent. If you are responding to what you believe is not yourself ie, a voice in your head which is not your's then that could be worrying, but just responding to yourself if 100% normal and many people do it. I talk to myself all the time, but mainly in my head. I have conversations with myself like "I really need to post that letter today." "Yeah, I do." It's just like reading text or a book as you're effectively talking to yourself. There's nothing abnormal about talking to yourself.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I also think I've inherited it from my grandmother.  I've always talked to my self, but lately it's gotten worse. At work while having lunch with co-workers, if the conversation gets boring or not, I loose concentration (have ADD) and start talking to myself right in front of all my friends. They remain quite and look at each other, then I realize that I've been talking to myself, so now I eat at my computer so they won't feel uncomfortable.  I don't think I'm crazy, but sometimes I wonder.  My boss always looks at me and asks if I'm ok, and then I realize I've been talking to myself.  Words don't come out just lips, eye, and sometimes hand movements.....hmmm maybe I am crazy!  I better call a therapist : )
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I feel so weird talking to myself but apparently numorous ammounts of people strike up conversations with themselves.....   I always have conversations with myself and always will, there is no real way to break the habit of doing it, I just find it weird that I have fake conversations, one's that I wish happened, like replace one character with a friend and have random conversations, but it is mainly thinking of how I wanted it to go:...   Man I feel weird, especially at 4 in the morning
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You can live your life or live other people life, if you still talking to yourself and not escape, it means that you still not sold your dreams that you had before you entered in adult world.
If you want to stop it you can entered in any "adult dream world", sold you dreams and than you won't need to think about you a lot because it will to too painfull, at least at begining. After a while you become "normal" and than others around you will give you justification that this was "right way" because they also fallowed the same way.
Your choice
Sandra Eche Profile
Sandra Eche answered
I talk to the universe; that being myself, the only one I really know. Agree with all the comments. You guys are so funny. I do try to talk to other people but find them boring compared to myself. I really do want to attend that talk-to-self party, sounds like a blast. But do you think that when we are together we may be pulled to talk to one another. I think definitely. But if someone should not want to talk to the other I don't believe any of us would take it personally, generally.
me myself and i Profile
me myself and i answered
To the person who sent its the next step to losing your mind. Do you talk to your self, if not then how would you know. I had three imaginary friends when I was a kid, this got me started talking to myself. I can control it. I don't do it in public except under my breath but if alone I talk to myself constantly and the only time I have a problem with it is when I start overthinking about doing it. But after visiting here I don't think that will happen anymore. Maybe you are getting ready to lose your mind and the rest of "us" are helping ours.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Thanks for all your opinions. I thought I was mad always talking to myself
especially if someone over heard me,I'd cringe with embarrassment.
Just try try not to over do it,that secret inner world sometimes over takes the real one.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
To not do in public and write it down just like I do and not saying out loud or get holler and smack at just like me.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I talked to myself when I was younger. I stopped in high school because I always had friends around now I am older and don't have very many friends so I talk to myself all the time. I can not control it. I feel CRAZY!!!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Film it and make it a daily thing and post it . Be the narrator or what your talken about write it down make a poem or a song of it
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I talk to myself all the time and I know it's kind of weird when people just look at you like you're crazy but I have the feeling that I talk to someone who is close to me but I guess that person is just me.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I talk to myself all the time. When someone else is around I usually do it in my head. It helps me think, especially when I have a lot of things I need to get done. Lately it's not just me and other me anymore. Now there is mean & motivated, needing to get things done me; nice, but wimpy & immature me; and the me that I view the internal dialogue from. The saying "me, myself, & I" has taken on a whole new meaning. I don't think it makes me crazy, I think it's the one thing keeping me sane. If no one else will listen, I just talk to myself. Much cheaper than a shrink. However, I do struggle with going overboard. Sometimes, even when there is someone else to talk to, I talk to myself anyway because I know I will never reject me. If there are opportunities to talk to other people, take them.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Get help from a psychiatrist. I started talking to myself after a traumatic experience and it got worse. I began to do it in public. I even began rambling I eventually had a nervous breakdown. I was treated for the breakdown, stress as well as depression, and yes I don't talk to myself anymore.
suman kumar Profile
suman kumar answered
I think you are overthinking / over assessing about yourself. Stay calm, divert your attention on nature.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Talking to yourself is a very bad thing even if isn't totally your falt you then are escaping reality,you suffered a trauma  even if you don't remember, in that place you are feeding your ego, is a next phase to lose your mind , in that place you are living no how you want but how you desire,you are blaming the world but in fact you are to blame because you don't have control over your mind, try to love yourself and not be what others want from you....try to find yourself ,stop watching tv, listen to music, watch movies because if your not aware you lose your control ,spend much time with your friends  listen have value for you,go more and more in nature observe life how it is, obseve you don't lie to yourself , raise your Awareness, tahe control over you mind

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