I find that guys love it when you're more than just a girlfriend to them.. You're their best friend- they can talk to you for hours about anything, you're their princess :)- they like to spoil you and they love to pay for everything, makes them feel like a man haha, then you're "their girl" :) meaning they love to show you off because of your awesome, sweet personality and also because you're so beautiful. You're their mystery- you keep it interesting by playing hard to get and not telling him everything at once, he should always be learning more and more about you :) and you're someone that they can't live without- he shows that he NEEDS you.. :)
It depends on the guy. Some guys only like girls b/c of their looks which is retardant and immature. Some guys like girls b/c their personality turns them on. Some guys like girls b/c of sex meaning they just take advantage of them, and like r-prince said guys are attracted to a girl's shape, her breast, butt, hips, her skin if it's pretty and smooth, her lips. Some guys like girls with full lips. Also, some guys like a girl that he can treat like his home. She's down to earth and helps him with problems. In other words, a strong girl. Like I said, each guy has his different reasons on liking girls, which you have to be aware of because guys can be very deceiving. They'll tell you they like one thing about you and it's another. But not all guys are the same, but quite a bit are. Most guys like a girl with class and she's a lady. All men like a girl that smells good too.
Lol. This is an easy one. Guys like many different things about girls. To put it in an easy perspective. 60% of the time, a guy is attracted to a girl because of her looks. To be blunt, her figure, her breast, her butt, etc. 40% of the time, it's because of their character. Overall personality, how she carries herself, her intelligence, etc. For me, I'm one of those rare few that are attracted at a 50-50 rate.
I'm not the best around girls, so I wouldn't know what we'd talk about. But most likely it'd be something like school, home life, hobbies, etc.
My advice: Find a common interest/hobby between you and your crush. Then, start talking to them about it. This usually can start a conversation and keep it threading into other conversations. Have an equal part in the convo. Be the listener, and the speaker. Eventually, after talking to him for awhile, you'll be able to start a convo about just about everything.
I'm not the best around girls, so I wouldn't know what we'd talk about. But most likely it'd be something like school, home life, hobbies, etc.
My advice: Find a common interest/hobby between you and your crush. Then, start talking to them about it. This usually can start a conversation and keep it threading into other conversations. Have an equal part in the convo. Be the listener, and the speaker. Eventually, after talking to him for awhile, you'll be able to start a convo about just about everything.
Looks, Figure, The way you carry yourself, Talkative-ness, smell, Confidence, Being assertive, don't get jealous when a guy flirts with another girl, be Responsive, Independent, Sexy but preserved and has Dignity.
There are not any hard and fast rules for liking specific type of girls. Guys can like many kind of girls. A guy can like sharp and well spoken girl, who is funny and do gossiping.
But most of the times guys like polite, shy and less talkative girls. Girls who listen their every matter. They like wise and intelligent girl. Girl should not be that much shy, so will become problem for the guy.
Girl should be stylish and must have good and decent dressing sense. She must know the ways to talk and behave in good and high society. Now a days guy don't like old fashion girl, who always say yes to his saying. They want someone who can tell them right and wrong and able to discuss matters with him.
When a guy is considering a girl for his girlfriend then he like talkative, funny girl who can entertain him. But he will love a girl who is polite, intelligent, shy and less talkative. They don't like that much open minded girl as a partner of their life, but yes for a girlfriend no matter, how much she is open minded they don't care.
But most of the times guys like polite, shy and less talkative girls. Girls who listen their every matter. They like wise and intelligent girl. Girl should not be that much shy, so will become problem for the guy.
Girl should be stylish and must have good and decent dressing sense. She must know the ways to talk and behave in good and high society. Now a days guy don't like old fashion girl, who always say yes to his saying. They want someone who can tell them right and wrong and able to discuss matters with him.
When a guy is considering a girl for his girlfriend then he like talkative, funny girl who can entertain him. But he will love a girl who is polite, intelligent, shy and less talkative. They don't like that much open minded girl as a partner of their life, but yes for a girlfriend no matter, how much she is open minded they don't care.
Girls that are CONFIDENT and just being themselves! And not someone who they're not!
Looks: Most guys have their own preference. In my opinion, looks are not that important so long as the girl is being herself. Now while it's true that I care about looks a bit (what guy doesn't) I do not make it a major factor when deciding if I like a girl or not.Personality: As long as the girl acts like herself it is fine. Most guys that I know look for girls who can joke and have a good time while still being mysterious or shy-natured.
Hear and heed this from a very enigmatic man. What I seek in a woman is fidelity, compassion, kindness and intelligence, however intellect not necessary. These characteristics can make for a wonderful personality. I also look for a girl to make me feel special by doing little things like telling me how much I mean to her(I do the same). I want her to ensure that I am secure in our relationship and I don't have to compete or be compared to anyone. It's important the feeling is emulated. We guys aren't as complicated as you ladies are. You ladies sometimes baffle and bemuse me at times.
What boys really want are girls who are
pretty sweet smart, sexy but not all
great personality.
Never get jeleous
give them space and youll be the perfect girl
pretty sweet smart, sexy but not all
great personality.
Never get jeleous
give them space and youll be the perfect girl
Your all rally think looks matter....?
Well it don't,,
Get it in your thick heads!
My mum and dad have been married 19 years!! And been together 20 years..
And yeah my dad is abit ugly a big fat and my mum is abit over wait a bit ugly but what is keeping them together is trust, love, forgiving, truthfull and caring, but my point is..
Looks don't matter, if some one is rally ugly and there gray headed or somethiing it don't matter, all that matters is persanality, trust, caring and believing as long yuve got each other thats all that matter,,
soo don't tell yur self looks matters and make yur self glamed up and get face leaved because yu think your ugly, because your not , yur fine how yu are and bet some one out there will think that too and love yu and care for yu for who yu are.
Well it don't,,
Get it in your thick heads!
My mum and dad have been married 19 years!! And been together 20 years..
And yeah my dad is abit ugly a big fat and my mum is abit over wait a bit ugly but what is keeping them together is trust, love, forgiving, truthfull and caring, but my point is..
Looks don't matter, if some one is rally ugly and there gray headed or somethiing it don't matter, all that matters is persanality, trust, caring and believing as long yuve got each other thats all that matter,,
soo don't tell yur self looks matters and make yur self glamed up and get face leaved because yu think your ugly, because your not , yur fine how yu are and bet some one out there will think that too and love yu and care for yu for who yu are.
I'm a guy and I like women who have a little round chubby behind. Long dark hair and big smile. I love to hear them laugh. We were made to be attracted to the opposite sex. Yes we all have preferences but we all like what we like when we see it. Thank you.
Well guys like me because I am sporty!! I am in 8th grade and I have a GREAT body! I have red hair and great skin... I wear tight shirts and basketball shirts together most of the time.. Guys like that.. But be yourself.. Have fun.. Don't PRETEND to be sporty or anything.. Just have fun with him.. And also play hard to get.. Like when he talks to you don't stutter or turn red... Act like its normal.. And if he asks you out don't respond right away.. Give him your number or email and have him contact you and ask. That how I got my carson... He is amazing and so sweet and good to me.. I am always myself around him.. And if your crush does NOT like you for who YOU are than don't waste your time.. :)) hope this helped!!:))
We'll some guys not all like the the girl that is all snotty and cool but most of the time its not they like the ones that aren't all caught up on there self and treat there boyfriend with some respect even care to pay on the date every once an a wille. Always remember though never to change yourself for any one they should like you for who you are, that's the other problem boys don't like phonies so if you're going to change make sure you do it right and that you're not over doing it.
I think every guy is different, they all want different things?
I actually believe that girls are way more complicating than boys. But you never no what a boy looks for. It all depends on what type of boy it is. Also, the age makes a big difference.
Some guys like girls who looks good, but I think that those are not interested in a relationship if its the only thing they want. Most guys like girls with a good personality, girls who likes to have fun and enjoy their company. I think they like girls who stay true to themselves.
Stay who you are and you'll meet some nice guys.
Stay who you are and you'll meet some nice guys.
There are different types of guys there are some who just want sex and judge you on your breast , butt or body shape.Then there are some who like girls who are smart independent funny nice and who think you are beautiful for who you are and who loves you for being you and not anyone else that type pf guy is personally who I would date but guys all come differently and there all unique some are pervert and some not.
To be honest I believe that looks always get the first attention. If the guy doesnt feel attracted to the girls looks (as in physique and face) he wont bother getting to know her personality which in fact could be something that he may very well fall for. So the truth is looks are always number one.
Guys like girls who aren't afraid to be themselves around people. They like girls that are pretty ( that always counts ) but don't rub it people's faces. They like girls that are nice, not snobbish, and not afraid to get there hands dirty once and a while. They have to smell good and stuff. Not to much makeup and gross lip glosses that taste like a skunk just farted in your mouth are not good.
Guys usualy like girls for BOTH their looks and personality. So I would suggest that you go do your hair in some sexy way and work on your personality. Make sure your not to nice bet you don't want to be like hell either, make sure your not to boring but at the same time don't be to much of an adreniline person. Girls that have good looks and good personality are pure gold in my eyes. :)
Someone smart and sweet . And very funny.
It depends wether the boy is quiet or loud and it depends on the people he goes around with
but if he's a quiet boy with a loud crowd then he's more dificult to figure out !! :O
but if he's a quiet boy with a loud crowd then he's more dificult to figure out !! :O
I really like a guy, I don't think he likes me back, he gets interested in me when I flirt with other guys especially with his best friends, or when I'm not annoying because generally I have a loud personality and that gets him really angry when ii am annoying. So just be yourself and don't change for anyone because there is a match for everyone in the world. Anyway if you flirt with a guy and give him lots of attention for a while and then when you stop he miss that and he'll come running up to you, that worked for me 3 times!!, if you like a guy and he doesnt like you back don't worry because you will eventually get over him, one time it took me 4 years to get over a guy and I'm finally over him, but now I like a guy called James Stock and its impossible to get over him, anyway I got carried away and started to say Random sh.., sorry I hope that helped.
Just be yourself, and let the guy be himself. You should know the guy is right for you if you can be comfortable. You will always be able to tell if there is a connection it's just there. It's not always about looks- You may think it is, but it really is not. If he likes you for who you are, then... SCORE. But if he doesn't then screw him. Just have confidence (not too much), try to look pretty (not everyone was born to be a model), and BE YOURSELF.
Well the boys at my school mostly look for funny girls that are pretty too.... Most guys like girls that can have a conversation with them and stuff... So pretty much boys like girls that are funny, nice, hot/pretty (depending on the guy) and smart-ish (doesnt act like an idiot!) and a girl that isn't annoying. You that's really all I got! Hope that helps!
Wow, probably no guy would ever want me, I don't have a great body, no boobs, no confident, look like a muppet, well you get the idea. I don't now, It is true, guys only looks for the girls with big boobs and skinny and all that. Girls that don't read a lot of books and are out going. Guys say they don't but they do, ooh that is so true, then if they don't why are they always going to girls that looks like that??? Yeah, I really believe them...not. It is so hard to understand how boys think, do they even think before they speak??? No, cause if they did, they wouldn't be such idiots. Ciao
Well... A lot of guys like girls that are "pretty". And a lot of guys pay attention to the girl's personality. For me, as a 13 year old, guys judge the girls on their looks a lot. My old friend/ex is way different than my current boyfriend. First, when I was going out with my ex boyfriend.. He always wanted to touch me and text me about ummm... Gross stuff and one time I asked him what percentage he puts in account of a girl's personality and looks. He said 70% personality and 30% looks. Whereas my current bf has told me he says 90% personality, 10% looks. THat prob isn't true all the times but he is amzingly nice and does not rely think about s*x yet. Haha yepp. Even though.. Apparently I'm "hot" and have good legs because they are muscular and sexyyy!!!! ;)
They only want to play girls. And have sex and leave.
I think we boys look for a girl with intelligence and sass. I like ladies with a hot body and who are really nice but not to soft on the inside. My girl is the coolest. She is sassy, HOT, nice, strong, and intelligent.
My Boyfriend is wierd and he is the strong silent type keeps himself to him self you know what I mean. IF YOUR A GIRL. He choose me amougst loads of girls no one knows quite why including myself. He talks to me well actully thats a lie he sumtimes does lol. I think you have to be pretty but guys look for girls who are just good at being themselfs and they don't feel urged to do anything that would get them what they wanted. GuyS arnt really botherd I suppose they just want to do what they think is best for them. If there is a boy you really like but he is going out wiv your best m8 then don't do anything stupid. Like don't try to brake em up because then he would realize what was goin on. Stay calm Think it through. I did this.
1. Get a friend you REALLY TRUST.
2. Now get her to sneek in questions during lessons
3. Write down all the info and stuff
4. Now using the description decide are you what he wants?
Hope this helps xx
1. Get a friend you REALLY TRUST.
2. Now get her to sneek in questions during lessons
3. Write down all the info and stuff
4. Now using the description decide are you what he wants?
Hope this helps xx
Ok....Ok... The truth is men look for intelligence. Looks matter a lot but intelligence is the key to a mans heart as is the ability to cook for him.
Most people this its beauty alone and no brains....but you see what people think about Paris Hilton. No brains....no man!
Be a smart girl! Get an education, have compassion for others, be a friend to your man and not just his woman.
This is why I married my wife....and I haven't regretted my decision one day!
Most people this its beauty alone and no brains....but you see what people think about Paris Hilton. No brains....no man!
Be a smart girl! Get an education, have compassion for others, be a friend to your man and not just his woman.
This is why I married my wife....and I haven't regretted my decision one day!
I like some girls to have some real-life Movie Star or TV Star looks like what I see in the
Movies and TV. Someone with long blonde or brunette hair going down their backs, a
Little ass and a body to die for that makes me want to pick her up in a intimate moment
Off to a room; where it is just the two of us. Personality wise, they have to accept me
For who I am. They have to really get me, I mean get me. They can't have fake ass
Attitude with me and walk around with it all day, not validate me, I won't validate her.
But someone who is kind of nice.
Most guys want a girl who''s comfortable in their own skin and they want to be with someone who can be themselves. Usually guys go for looks at first but there are some that go for personality I'm one of the few that go for the personality, she doesn't have to be a model as long as she's smart and knows what she wants in life she's perfect.
Guys like when girls are pretty, if you are not then that shows if the boy is worth it because if he goes out of his way to meet you and he will actually care when you talk about your emotions, guys love a girl has a great smile, laugh, and personality, boys love it if you have something special about you that none of his old girlfriends had, you should also be outstanding
Guys like those girls by whom they are liked and if she is trying to hide the attraction and be noticed by them . Like if a girl behave in front of him like she is not impressed by him but looks at him when he is at a distance from him and he notices then there is a liking on both sides not on one side.
It completely depends on the Boy I mean he might be a rich high society boy with plans to some day become mayor and will expect you to behave as the first lady
or might be a country boy who'll expect you to help out on the farm either way
no matter what the boys like
NEVER SACRIFICE thing for this boy because if you try to act all nice and sweet and girly and make sacrifices youll find yourself getting madder and madder at the boy and he wont even know y
or might be a country boy who'll expect you to help out on the farm either way
no matter what the boys like
NEVER SACRIFICE thing for this boy because if you try to act all nice and sweet and girly and make sacrifices youll find yourself getting madder and madder at the boy and he wont even know y
Well guys like a lot about a girl they like if there funny cute some guys like a smart girl some like a bad girl ell there is a lot that guys like I really don't no y guys like certin things bout a girl it just happenes. And love to talk about sports,girls, and montser trucking. You should just talk about like sports and talk about what he likes. I hope that helps
Well, guyss look for
1] looks because lots and lots of guys will lie and say that they are not important THEY ARE.
2] also guys are drawn to a girl/lady that keeps her self up by..:
* getting her hair done
* getting her nails done
you know what I mean??
3] and PERSONALITY don't get me wrong I think personality is important also! the 1st two I'm sure that every guy wants that type of girl, unless something is wrong with the guy,
PERSONALITY different guys like different PERSONALITIES.
1] looks because lots and lots of guys will lie and say that they are not important THEY ARE.
2] also guys are drawn to a girl/lady that keeps her self up by..:
* getting her hair done
* getting her nails done
you know what I mean??
3] and PERSONALITY don't get me wrong I think personality is important also! the 1st two I'm sure that every guy wants that type of girl, unless something is wrong with the guy,
PERSONALITY different guys like different PERSONALITIES.

We like you cause you are beautiful
A sense of humor
Boys look for a fun person, with huge boobs.
Boys look for the looks I no so sad but it true
I like baby tony
It all varies
We look for a great heart and good sense of humor.
It depends on the boy.
Guys who are happy, funny, sweet, and who are into us.
Down to earth guys are always a killer.
If they smell good it's hard to resist :)
Down to earth guys are always a killer.
If they smell good it's hard to resist :)
You know what I think about guys being with girls they like to judge their looks and their Personality
They confuse me too and I'm not quite sure all I have heard is big boobs blonde hair and blue eyes lmao but I want to no why they pick that
Well my brother said he looks for darker hair and wears no make up so she can be herself.
I guess confidence and looks and personality...but all men r different they want different things :)
Trust me I know its all in the face the number one thing a guy looks for in a girl is her eyes, number two is her smile, next is a booty, and last you can't have a flat chest.
Boys look for girls that are fun and outgoing. They also look for girls that have good morals and have strong family values. It is also important to them that you like all their friends.
That they are soft and squishy and smell good. Also that they have body parts that guys don't have.
How they look I no it is horrible but the truth is guys do some do anyways
Looks: Their f***ing ti*s and pus*y! It seems all guys want to do is stick their f***ing di*k in them! I would say 50% of guys date girls for that sh*t!
Yourself is the best thing I like is just be yourself and you will prevail
Some like girls who are sweet and caring while some like those who are cute or beautiful. That happens almost all the time but a real true lover and romantic guy would love ou for your personality :)
Girls looks do matter but its not that all important you have to be strong but also be scared and let them hold you so they feel like there making you safe
We'll, I'll tell you what I look for. I like a girl who is fine with the way they are. I like a sporty, confident girl. A girl who I feel happy around.
What Boys lOOK For id Probaly your eyes,don't talk to him,ignor him ,that will drivee him crazy by ignoring him,thenn Probaly your sitting in class or where ever ,look at him and let your eyes do the Probaly,when you sitting near Probaly ,just talk to Probaly and stare at Probaly ,ITS ALL IN THE EYES
I look for my penis in a girl
I think it a question of personality and character .different people like different things from each other.We are attracted to who we are and want we are looking for.All guys are first drawn by your appearance then the rest follow.your outward look gives a glimpse of who you are inside.so they who like what they see will run to you.
I find it attractive if the girl has a sense of humor and like to party
has hazel eyes and brunette
but also depends
no guy likes a girl that is ugly and has nice personality its just reality
has hazel eyes and brunette
but also depends
no guy likes a girl that is ugly and has nice personality its just reality
Well girl boys just want SEX and thats the only thing they want so sorry girl thats what some boys want Ether boys want you for your mind you love your hair your lips your every thing so thats what boys are looking for in girls
It all depends on who the boy is because most of the time he will look for some one who has the same personality as him. Just be your self and have self values.