I Can't Get My Man Hard And I Think I've Tried Everything...what Do I Do?


4 Answers

118 118 Profile
118 118 answered
You need to make him have a clear head. If he feels as though he can't go hard, then he wont. You need him to think positive, therefore don't complain, etc. Let him take his time. He can't also be tired. Sometimes if a guy is tired, he wont go hard. The mind is the main thing. He needs a clear head. No stress, etc.

Try at different times of day. Like early morning when just woken up. This is when a persons head will be fresh.
thanked the writer.
Sarah commented
Different times of the day works occasionally, and there have been times whens tired but he still wants me bad enough to get hard...he told me i was being too soft. What does that mean? What should i try?
118 118
118 118 commented
Even if he wants you bad enough - the thing is if he is tired, it wont work. Nothing can be done about it. It takes experience for 'it' to adjust. So give it time. Just make out diffrent times of day. He is saying that you are being too soft - this is just an excuse. He needs to blame someone! Lol.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The best thing to do is to try not to worry about it, your body will know when your tense, so try to relax and just let it happen.
If you plan and focus on it to much it just won't happen.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Kiss him from his lips then chest them  to his penis or lick him from his balls to the tip of his penis

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