
What Is Sexual Intercourse?


4 Answers

Nathaniel Hobby Profile
Nathaniel Hobby answered
The open discussions regarding sexual intercourse have seen many phases of acceptance throughout the years and across cultures.  In Roman and Greek history, concubines and multiple lovers was widely accepted as in many other societies across the globe.  As defined in general, paraphrasing the Webster’s dictionary I use, Sexual intercourse is defined as penetration involving a penis and a vagina with a secondary meaning of Sexual interaction between two or more people not limited to a penis and vagina.  

This question came into the forefront in the late 1990s when former US President Bill Clinton was caught in a sex scandal with Monica Lewinsky.  This secondary meaning was introduced well before the then President stated that he did not have sexual intercourse with Monica Lewinsky.

Many people in America and in other cultures have views of sexuality that contradict freedom to speak on the matter.  Having a healthy sexual life means being able to be open and honest with all aspects of you.  The culture of multiple sexual partners has its advantages in the experience a person can gain before settling down while the opposite argument can be made saying that the sexual explorations are best enjoyed by lifetime committed couples who are not afraid of rejection or reprise from their desires.
Regardless of your views on the openness of sexual expression, there are limits to the human psyche that need to be considered when determining the age at which a sexual partner may be considered.  The laws and accepted cultures of the society in which you live will help in making that determination.
Courtney Stoners Profile
It kinda means him putting his penis in you and thrusting.  Hurts badly to some but others don't even feel it!  That is the way to get pregnant, and if you want to have sex and no kids, use condoms.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Sexual intercourse is the penetration of the female vagina by the male penis.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Do you mean Sexual Intercourse? It means having sex or intimate relations with another person of the same sex (homosexual) or opposite sex (heterosexual).

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