
Why Do Some People Stay In Unhappy Relationships?


6 Answers

Saadia Samad Profile
Saadia Samad answered
There is no reason to make yourself depressed, if some of the people are unhappy in the relationship. Marriage is actually another name of compromises, before getting married you see always good qualities of the person and even he tries to do everything which you like. But this is not the solution, you have to be the same as you were before. I can give some examples to people who say that we have changed because other partner also changed as well, they started demanding a lot into the relation,each person becomes so much sensitive that even the little things started irritating them and this cause fights and arguments.

After marriage a person should have guts to absorb so many things, after all life partner are meant to be the partner for the whole life not a bed partner or something like that.

At the end I would like to conclude that many of the relationships got failed and lead towards divorce because of patience, they get stick to what they think and what they feel. Give and take is the only tool to make your relationship successful.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I am unhappy, and the reason is none other and myself.  I think I got married 10 years ago thinking marriage was something that it isn't.  Now we have children and I don't want to break their hearts by me being selfish over how I feel.  They didn't ask for a mom and dad that we unhappy together.  I have no idea what to do or how to feel, but I feel a little guilty that I have let this snowball.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I think people stay in unhappy relationships for many reasons. One is fear! Fear of the unknown, fear of being alone, fear of change. Sometimes even if your in an unhealthy relationship its safer to stay in it because at least you know what to expect. The moment the pain of being in the relationship becomes stronger than the pain associated to leaving, then the person will leave because when confronted with two pains, people tend to go to the lesser one.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Because of fear also think they can not do better, they are shame to move from one relationship to another , I think that if you are in abuse relationship you should get out and save yourself the pain and suffering.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Well in my case its for the children. People that doesnt want to be together but stays together for the children sake
Gillian Smith Profile
Gillian Smith answered
There are many reasons why people do this and it's complex.
In the past people had little in the way of choice as marriage was supposed to be for life and divorce was difficult. Leaving even an unhappy relationship had a lot of stigma attached to it.
It's much easier now to get a divorce and in theory no-one should have to saty in an unhappy relationship.
Some people believe that things will get better one day and in reality they usually don't.
Other stay in unhappy relationships because they believe that children should have two parents, no matter how unhappy hey are together. This can be a disaster for the couple and the children.
Other people will tolerate anything to maintain a good material lifestyle and aren't prepared to leave because that would deprive them of material benefits.
Others don't want the disapproval of their family.

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