
Why Does My Boyfriend Tease Me Constantly, Everywhere We Go?


4 Answers

Lily Bradic Profile
Lily Bradic answered
It's hard to say without knowing whether he's teasing you in an affectionate way or in a cruel way.

Reasons Your Boyfriend Might Be Teasing You In Public
  • To make himself look 'big' in front of his friends
  • Strangely enough, to show you off - to show other people that you're his girlfriend, and that's why he can get away with teasing you like that.
  • He's just trying to wind you up, and doesn't realise that it's making you feel bad
  • He's emotionally abusing you - if what he says is hurtful, he could be lowering your self-esteem so that he can control you.

What To Do If Your Boyfriend's Teasing Is Hurting Your Feelings
  • Tell him. It's all you can do if you want him to stop.
  • Let him know that a light joke is one thing, but full-on teasing just makes you feel bad.
  • If he doesn't stop when you ask him to, break up with him. You don't want to be with someone who's constantly bringing you down and making you feel bad about yourself.

Your boyfriend's supposed to make you feel happy, not upset you. If he's hurting you, tell him - he might not even realise he's doing it, and will be hugely apologetic once he realises that he's making you feel bad.
Sonja Profile
Sonja answered
Men act like this around others, because they are very insecure with themselves. Do not allow him to bring you down into his web. This is his problem. Maybe you really are better than him. Talk to him about HIS problem. And let him know you will not tolerate this treatment.
Lady D Bell Profile
Lady D Bell answered
I would say your boyfriend is acting childish.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
He obviously just likes to wind you up - don't take any notice of it. Alternatively, start teasing him and see how he likes it, or otherwise say to him that you really don't like it and tell him to stop.

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